oracle Form Builer:ID_NULL Built-in】的更多相关文章

Description                                                                     Returns a BOOLEAN value that indicates whether the object ID is available. Syntax                                                                        FUNCTION ID_NULL(…
Description Searches the list of forms and returns a form module ID when it finds a valid form with the given name. you must define an appropriately typed variable to accept the return value. Define the variable with a type of Formmodule. Syntax FUNC…
Trigger 不是数据库中的触发器,不过功能类似,都是当某个事件发生的时候会触发. Trigger中可以编写代码,当对应事件发生的时候就会执行该Trigger中的代码. Oracle Form中的Trigger有三个层级:Form level.Data Block level.Item level. 三个层级的影响范围是依次递减的,三个层级可能存在相同名字的Trigger,如果下层Trigger的没有定义就会使用上层的Trigger.Trigger有个继承的property可以设置,可以设置是…
Standard Attachments in Oracle Form 默认情况下"附件"按钮是灰色的,本文将展示如何让某个Form的附件按钮变亮,并能上传附件. 以用户Form为例,我们想让用户上传自己的照片 Pre-Setups Help > Diagnostics > Custom Code > Personalize,记录下Function Name 并用Help > Diagnostics > Examine查看User Name字段和User…
转: Form中的系统变量,它存在于一个Form的整个运行时期的会话之中,变量包含了有关Form相关属性的字节信息.有些变量标明了当前状态,还有些变量包含了告诉Oracle如何进行相关操作的设定信息.当系统变量在表达式中出现时,system前要加上分号,表示为:system,多个变量之间用逗号分隔开,:system后面以圆点(.)连接变量名,例如:system.message_level = '25'这样的系统变量赋值操作. Oracle For…
1当打开FORM时: (1)PRE-FORM (2)PRE-BLOCK(BLOCK级) (3)WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE (4)WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE (5)WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE (6)WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE 2. 当填写一行记录完成后,光标移动到下一条记录的时候: (1)WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD (只将填写的记录与数据库中已存在的记录作唯一性的验证,如果只是页面上的数据重复而数据库中没有…
Oracle Form Builder 是Oracle的一个开发工具,可以针对Oracle公司的E-Business Suit的ERP系统开发的.对应的还有reports builder. Oracle Forms Developer 是ORACLE公司提供的的用于开发Web数据库应用程序的工具集,它主要包括Forms Builder和Forms Compiler两个工具,其中Forms Builder用于开发和编译Forms应用,而Forms Compiler专用于编译Forms模块.注意,在…
Created an Oracle Form to handle specific events / triggers like When-New-Form-Instance, Pre-Insert, Post-Insert, Pre-Update, Post-Update, Post-Query and Post-Forms-Commit. I am doing the following simple tasks on these events to give you an example:…
I shared a data entry example form here in this post for Oracle Forms beginner developers, so that they may take an idea to how to develop a simple data entry form in Oracle Forms. The form can be fully modified.Example is given for an emp table and…
These errors occurred usually due to forms connection problem or some internal problem, the solution is, close the form, re-connect to the database and then re-open the form.FRM-10001: Internal Error: TOS.Cause:  Internal system error.Action:  If the…