Near Field Communication (NFC) applications】的更多相关文章

Near Field Communication (NFC) applications There has been little practical guidance available on NFC programming, until now. If you’re a programmer or developer, get this unique and detailed book and start creating apps for this exciting technology.…
0 Near Field Communication Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of   short-range wireless technologies, typically   requiring a distance of 4cm or less to initiate a connection. NFC allows you to share small payloads of   data between an NFC tag a…
NFC for Business What is the NFC Forum? The NFC Forum is a not-for-profit industry organization whose mission is to advance the use of Near Field Communication technology by developing specifications, ensuring interoperability among devices and servi…
W3C Editor's Draft 29 December 2014 This version: Latest published version: Latest editor's draft: Editors: Kenneth Rohde Christiansen, Intel Zoltan Kis…
NFC手机相比普通手机来说,有以下3个附加功能:  1.可以当成POS机来用,也就是“读取”模式   2.可以当成一张卡来刷,也就是NFC技术最核心的移动支付功能  3.可以像蓝牙.Wi-Fi一样做点对点通信 Near  Field Communication (NFC) 为一短距离无线通信技术,通常有效通讯距离为4厘米以内.NFC工作频率为13.65 兆赫兹,通信速率为106 kbit/秒到 848kbit/秒. NFC通信总是由一个发起者 (initiator)和一个接受者(target)组…
Software Card Emulation in NFC-enabled Mobile Phones: GreatAdvantage or Security Nightmare? Michael Roland NFC Research Lab Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Softwarepark 11, 4232 Hagenberg/Austria… Just a news about a new Hardware PCB i have designed with Eagle, it is an NFC Breakout board using latest Texas Instrument NFC chipset the TRF7970A and including 13.56MHz antenna with an…
转自: Sensors 2012, 12(9), 11734-11753; doi:10.3390/s120911734 Article Overview and Evaluation of Bluetooth Low Energy: An Emerging Low-Power Wireless Technology Carles Gomez 1,*, Joaquim Oller 2 and Josep Pa…
不同频段的RFID产品会有不同的特性,本文详细介绍了无源的感应器在不同工作频率产品的特性以及主要的应用. 目前定义RFID产品的工作频率有低频.高频和甚高频的频率范围内的符合不同标准的不同的产品,而且不同频段的RFID产品会有不同的特性. 其中感应器有无源和有源两种方式,下面详细介绍无源的感应器在不同工作频率产品的特性以及主要的应用. 1. 低频(从125KHz到134KHz)   其实RFID技术首先在低频得到广泛的应用和推广.该频率主要是通过电感耦合的方式进行工作, 也就是在读写器线圈和感应…
The following tables show the release dates and key features of all Android operating system updates to date, listed chronologically by their official application programming interface (API) levels. Android 1.0 (API level 1) Android 1.0 (API level 1)…