在之前的文章中,通过SharePoint Central Administration 创建了Web Application.在这篇文章中将继续SharePoint 2013之旅——还是以Step By Step的形式演示如何在SharePoint 2013中创建Site Collection(网站集),首先梳理下知识点. Site Collection Site Collection是Sites(网站)的集合. Site Collection最大可以包含250000个Sites和Sub Sit…
In this post I will introduce a way how to run a script for backing up SharePoint data which could be scheduled to run automatically. Step 1:Create a PowerShell Script for Backing up a site collection param([string] $site,[string] $dir,[string] $type…
应用场景: 有时候我们的站点需要在每个页面实现滚动文字的通知,怎么在不修改Master Page的情况下实现这个功能?我们可以使用Javascript 和 Custom Action 来实现. 创建一个Custom Action.主要使用到 Location = 'ScriptLink' 属性, 该属性可以动态的加载JavaScript 文件链接和代码块到模板页.代码如下: <Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/&…
1. 详细操作可参考此文章 的 Deployment and configuration for host-named site collections区域,简单来说,需要以下三行PowerShell脚本: //创建一个不包含host header的web applicationNew-SPWebApplication -Name 'Contoso Sites' -port 80 -ApplicationPool ContosoAppPool -ApplicationPoolAccount (G…
先需要将自定义的站点模版从网站集转移到Farm中. 找一个自己已经完成配置及设计的网站,在网站设置里面选择另存为模版.要注意的是不是所有的站点类型都有另存为模版的功能. 存完之后可在解决方案库的界面里面看到刚刚保存的模版,点击下载到本地 下载到本地之后用VisualStudio创建项目中的Import Solution Package项目模版创建项目并打开此文件 打开项目中的Feature3,然后将Scope选择为Farm,其他不需要改. 然后发布即可 执行Powershell语句,由于我的模版…
Problem When I was backing up SharePoint Site Collection Automatically with PowerShell and Windows Task Schedule.Unfortunately,the backup process was abnormally terminated.But What's even worse is I came across an confusing issus When I Browsed to Si…
The Enterprise Search Center requires that the Publishing feature be enabled. To enable the Publishing feature, follow these steps: Click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings. Under Site Collection Administration, click the Site collection feat…
OverView In this post,I want to show u how to add a look up column in my list or library that looks up data which comes from a list or library of another site. I have to say,it is a awesome Function and easy for sharepoint end users.So,Let me guide y…
通过PowerShell创建SharePoint Site Collection,代码如下: Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell function CreateTeamSite() { $webApps = Get-SPWebApplication $webAppsUrl = $webApps.Url ) { Write-Host "You have only one web application:" Write-Host $we…
在SharePoint 2010中可以使用Management Shell 为新建的Site Collection 创建自己的DB. 在 Shell中执行如下命令: 1. $w = get-spwebapplication  http://yoursite     (yoursite为你所要新建的SiteCollection 所在WebApplication中的SiteCollection) 2. New-SPContentDatabase "Your DB Name" -Databa…