发布报错:Error ITMS-90635 - Invalid Mach-O in bundle - submitting to App store 昨晚上传项目到AppStore,报了这个错,纳尼!?我早上还能成功上传的,当时判断是晚上网速问题导致的,早上再次试了下,还是一样报错,因为CocoPods导入的框架bitCode不一致导致的,解决方案是在Podfile后面加上 post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.ea…
Impossible to load an image in xcassets on bundle up vote5down votefavorite 3 I need to include images in a static library. I created a bundle and inserted in my images, the problem is that it seems to work if I include the images directly in the bun…
在 Unity 4.5.1f3中测试发现如下问题 两个不同文件下相同名字的资源打包成AssetBundle以后加载失败,提示错误 xxxxx can't be loaded because another asset bundle with the same files are already loaded 测试时两个资源分别是: dealers/dealer1.png和dealers/voice/Dealer1.prefab,打包以后生成的assetbundle是dealers/dealer…