Chat Server's Outgoing Traffic 点我挑战提目 考察点 模拟 字符串 Time Mem Len Lang 30 0 543 c++ 题意分析 给出类似一个群的即时通讯系统,会有用户的加入和离开,还会有用户发消息,每次用户发消息,都会给当前在聊天室内的用户发送该消息.消息中,每个字符(包括空格)都算一个byte,最后问总共发送了多少byte的消息.保证所有数据的合法. 记录当前聊天室内的人数,然后实时更新,并且处理字符串统计每条消息的字节数,用变量sum=+字节数*人数…
A. Chat Server's Outgoing Traffic 题目连接: Description Polycarp is working on a new project called "Polychat". Following modern tendencies in IT, he decided, that this project should contain chat as wel…
8.7 Explain how you would design a chat server. In particular, provide details about the various backend components, classes, and methods. What would be the hardest problems to solve? 这个简易的聊天服务器功能十分的有限,毕竟只是针对面试题的,谁也无法在面试的有限时间内设计出像QQ那样强大的聊天工具,所以只是实现一些…
原文: I‘ve 10Mbps server port dedicated to our small business server. The server also act as a backup DNS server and I’d like to slow down outbound traffic on port 80.…
D. Follow Traffic Rules 题目连接: Description Everybody knows that the capital of Berland is connected to Bercouver (the Olympic capital) by a direct road. To improve the road's traffic capacity, there was pl…
题目链接: 题目意思:给出 Little Z 的上线时间段,分别是[a1, b1], [a2, b2],...,[ap, bp] (bi < ai + 1) ,以及 Little X的上线时间段,不过他的上线时间段需要依赖 t,也就是上线时间段为[c1+t, d1+t],[c2+t, d2+t],...,[cq+t, dq+t](dj < cj + 1 ).问从[l, r] 中 选择 t,使得 X 与…
−Table of Contents Journey to the Center of the Linux Kernel: Traffic Control, Shaping and QoS 1 Introduction 2 Motivation 3 The basics of Traffic Control 3.1 First contact 3.2 Netfilter MARK 3.3 Two classes in a tree 3.4 Connecting the marks to the…
Network monitoring on Linux This post mentions some linux command line tools that can be used to monitor the network usage. These tools monitor the traffic flowing through network interfaces and measure the speed at which data is currently being tran…
Prerequisites The only prerequisite is having a Ubuntu 14.04 Droplet established and running. You will need root access to complete this guide. Optional: After completion of this tutorial, It would be a good idea to create a standard user account wit…
In reality you probably don’t want to host you websites on your local computer unless you have a very good computer, a very good internet connection and you are an expert system administrator, but this is very useful to learn how the internet works.…
转自: In the previous article, Create a High-Availability Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Kops, we have seen how to create a Kubernetes cluster and how to deploy the Phoenix Chat…
转自: In this article we’ll see how to cluster the Phoenix Chat nodes, using a really powerful functionality embedded in BEAM (the Elixir/Erlang VM), for easily communicate be…
实际上关于SignalR的介绍网上有很多,这里不做过多赘述,我们来看下官方网站的描述. [摘录自] What is ASP.NET SignalR ASP.NET SignalR is a new library for ASP.NET developers that makes it incredibly simple to add real-time web functionality to your applications. What is "rea…
一.部署 1.看官方文档部署,很简单,一步一步跟着部署即可 注意:需要部署节点需要联网主要是yum方式 2.这里贴一下步骤 Rocket.Chat in CentOS This installation guide was tested in the following environment: Rocket.Chat OS: CentOS 7…
[Docs] [txt|pdf] [draft-ietf-hybi-t...] [Diff1] [Diff2] [Errata] Updated by: 7936 PROPOSED STANDARD Errata Exist Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) I. Fette Request for Comments: 6455 Google, Inc. Category: Standards Track A. Melnikov ISSN: 207…
Bonding is the same as port trunking. In the following I will use the word bonding because practically we will bond interfaces as one. Bonding allows you to aggregate multiple ports into a single group, effectively combining the bandwidth into a sing…
Linux comes with a host based firewall called Netfilter. According to the official project site: netfilter is a set of hooks inside the Linux kernel that allows kernel modules to register callback functions with the network stack. A registered callba…
转载: March 21, 2012 by Buddhika Chamith Recently I wanted to set up a remote desktop sharing session from home pc to my laptop. While going through the set up guide I came across…
发现了一个很好的学习Java的外国网站,英语都是很简单的啦,看英语舒服些,关于NIO的系列就直接参照此网站了,而且是英语的! Java NIO (New IO,也有人叫非阻塞IO) is an alternative IO API for Java (from Java 1.4), meaning alternative to the standard Java IO and Java Networking API's. Java NIO…