React Patterns】的更多相关文章

Contents Stateless function JSX spread attributes Destructuring arguments Conditional rendering Children types Array as children Function as children Render callback Children pass-through Proxy component Style component Event switch Layout component…
修改 Props Immutable data representation 确定性 在 getInitialState 中使用 props 私有状态和全局事件 render 包含 side effects jQuery 修改 DOM 使用无状态组件 内存管理 componentWillUnmount 取消订阅事件 判断 isMounted 上层设计 使用 container component 使用 Composition 替代 mixins Composability - Presenter…
设计模式是一套被反复使用.多数人知晓的.经过分类编目的.代码设计经验的总结,使用设计模式的目的是提高代码的可重用性,让代码更容易被他人理解,并保证代码可靠性.它是代码编制真正实现工程化. 四个关键元素:(1) Pattern Name, (2) Problem, (3) Solution, (4) Consequences. 01. Factory Method Pattern /* The product should be created by his own factory. */ Log…
参考资料: Target Audience: People Who Know Just Enough jQuery to Get by Before I begin, I'd like to clarify who my target audience is. Zed Shaw, the a…
As I am sure you have heard a bunch of times, by now, React is the V in MVC. I think you can think of Redux as the M. Really, React + Redux kind of also act as the C. So, you could just manage your state directly within your React components, and in…
React组件设计 组件分类 展示组件和容器组件 展示组件 容器组件 关注事物的展示 关注事物如何工作 可能包含展示和容器组件,并且一般会有DOM标签和css样式 可能包含展示和容器组件,并且不会有DOM标签和css样式 常常允许通过this.props.children传递 提供数据和行为给容器组件或者展示组件 对第三方没有任何依赖,比如store 或者 flux action 调用flux action 并且提供他们的回调给展示组件 不要指定数据如何加载和变化 作为数据源,通常采用较高阶的组…
In 2015, React Native (RN) was born. At that time, few people paid attention to it because it was still immature with even few basic controls. Then, with the iteration of the RN project, the functions became more and more perfect. Although there has…
组件是 React 的核心,因此了解如何利用它们对于创建优秀的设计结构至关重要. 什么是组件 根据 React 官网的介绍,"组件让你可以将 UI 分割成独立的.可重用的部分,并独立管理每个部分." 当你第一次安装 npm install react 时,会得到一件事:组件及其 API.与 JavaScript 函数类似,组件接受名为 "props" 的输入并返回 React 元素,该元素描述(声明)用户界面(UI)的外观.这就是为什么 React 被称为声明性 A… 1. Introduction to Design Patterns (已看) 2. One Instance to Rule Them All - Singletons (已看) 3. Creating Flexibility with the Componen…
Vue.js is a JavaScript library for building web interfaces. Combining  with some other tools It also becomes a "framework". Now, from our last blog on ValueCoders, you already know that Vue.js is one of the top JavaScript frameworks and it is re…