POJ 1946 Cow Cycling】的更多相关文章

Cow Cycling Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 2516   Accepted: 1396 Description The cow bicycling team consists of N (1 <= N <= 20) cyclists. They wish to determine a race strategy which will get one of them across the fin…
Description The cow bicycling team consists of N (1 <= N <= 20) cyclists. They wish to determine a race strategy which will get one of them across the finish line as fast as possible. Like everyone else, cows race bicycles in packs because that's th…
/* 一开始想的二维的 只维护第几只牛还有圈数 后来发现每只牛的能量是跟随每个状态的 所以再加一维 f[i][j][k]表示第i只牛 领跑的j全 已经消耗了k体力 转移的话分两类 1.换一只牛领跑 那么就从f[i][j][k]转移到f[i+1][j][j] 2.不换 那就枚举i领跑几圈l f[i][j-l][k-l*l]转移到f[i][j][k] 时间++ */ #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring>…
Cow CyclingTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 2468 Accepted: 1378Description The cow bicycling team consists of N (1 <= N <= 20) cyclists. They wish to determine a race strategy which will get one of them across the finish lin…
POJ 3045 Cow Acrobats 这是个贪心的题目,和网上的很多题解略有不同,我的贪心是从最下层开始,每次找到能使该层的牛的风险最小的方案, 记录风险值,上移一层,继续贪心. 最后从遍历每一层的风险值,找到其中的最大值 我一开始对sum-p[i].a-p[i].b从小到大排序,这样第一次取出的就是能使最下层的牛的风险最小的方案,在上移一层时,这一层的风险值   为sum-p[i].a-p[i].b-p[0].a,由于p[0].a是固定值,所以第二次直接取出的就是能使该层的牛的风险最小的…
Cows Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 8122   Accepted: 3674 Description Your friend to the south is interested in building fences and turning plowshares into swords. In order to help with his overseas adventure, they are f…
1552: Cow Cycling 时间限制(普通/Java):1000MS/10000MS     内存限制:65536KByte总提交: 39            测试通过:20 描述 The cow bicycling team consists of N (1 <= N <= 20) cyclists.  They wish to determine a race strategy which will get one of them across the finish line a…
POJ 3660 Cow Contest / HUST 1037 Cow Contest / HRBUST 1018 Cow Contest(图论,传递闭包) Description N (1 ≤ N ≤ 100) cows, conveniently numbered 1..N, are participating in a programming contest. As we all know, some cows code better than others. Each cow has…
POJ 3176 Cow Bowling 题目简化即为从一个三角形数列的顶端沿对角线走到底端,所取得的和最大值 7 * 3 8 * 8 1 0 * 2 7 4 4 * 4 5 2 6 5 该走法即为最大值 分析:简单的动态规划,从上往下一层一层的考虑,对于每一行的最左边和最右边只有一种走法,只需要简单的相加, 对于中间的数要考虑是加上左上角的数还是加右上角的数,加上两者中的较大者 代码: #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<…
POJ-2184 [题意]: 有n头牛,每头牛有自己的聪明值和幽默值,选出几头牛使得选出牛的聪明值总和大于0.幽默值总和大于0,求聪明值和幽默值总和相加最大为多少. [分析]:变种的01背包,可以把幽默度看成体积,智商看成价值,那么就转换成求体积和价值都为正值的最大值的01背包了. 以 TS 作为体积,TF作为价值,在保证体积.价值非负的情况下,求解 sum,取其所有情况的最大值. 难点: 1)体积出现负数,将区间改变 [-100000, 100000] ---> [0, 200000]. (注…