:表示包含正数或者负数.或者0 即表示,数字的字段! select * from 表名 where isnull(字段名,'')<>'' 同时排除空值和null的情况 select coopmedcode,patientname,sum(freefee) as total from (select coopmedcode,patientname,freefee from dbo.o_CbZyBxDj union all select coopmedcode,patientname,freefe…
Oracle把逗号分割的字符串转换为可放入in的条件语句的字符数列 前台传来的字符串:'589,321' SELECT*FROM TAB_A T1 WHERE T1.CODE IN ( SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('589,321','[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) FROM DUAL CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR('SMITH,ALLEN,WARD,JONES', '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL )…
LeetCode初级算法的Python实现--字符串 # 反转字符串 def reverseString(s): return s[::-1] # 颠倒数字 def reverse(x): if x < 0: flag = -2 ** 31 result = -1 * int(str(x)[1:][::-1]) if result < flag: return 0 else: return result else: flag = 2 ** 31 - 1 result = int(str(x)[…
Oracle数据库的两个字段值为逗号分割的字符串,例如:字段A值为“1,2,3,5”,字段B为“2”.想获取两个字段的交集(相同值)2,获取两个字段的差集(差异值)1,3,5. 一.最终实现的sql语句 1.获取交集(相同值): , rownum) id from (select '1,2,3,5' id from dual) connect intersect -- 取交集 , rownum) id ' id from dual) connect ; /*结果: 2 */ 2.获取差集(差异值…
1.说明 在做显示数据的时候,一个字段会存那种逗号分割的字符串,那如何去根据逗号分割字符串去查询另一个表的数据呢? 首先我们查看一下需要显示的数据 select * from company where f_id in ('','','') select * from company where f_id in ('210,205,208') 现在我要根据另一张模板表中的一个字段查询他下面的公司,存的是字符串类型 这时 select * from company where f_id in (s…
Recursive division method Mazes can be created with recursive division, an algorithm which works as follows: Begin with the maze's space with no walls. Call this a chamber. Divide the chamber with a randomly positioned wall (or multiple walls)…