openfire登录管理控制提示: Login failed:make sure your username and password are correct and that you’re an admin or moderator 解决方案如下: 1.使用Mysql查看工具进入数据库,进入表“ofuser”,将该表清空,然后执行该SQL INSERT INTO ofUser (username, plainPassword, name, email, creationDate, modifi…
XMPP全称:可扩展通讯和表示协议 简介:可扩展通讯和表示协议 (XMPP) 可用于服务类实时通讯.表示和需求响应服务中的XML数据元流式传输.XMPP以Jabber协议为基础,而Jabber是即时通讯中常用的开放式协议.XMPP is the IETF's formalization of the base XML streaming protocols for instant messaging and presence developed within the Jabber open-so…