Question: Editor's clarification: When this was originally posted, there were two issues: Test performance drops by a factor of three if seemingly inconsequential statement added Time taken to complete the test appears to vary randomly The second iss…
This is the third of a series of posts based on a presentation I did at the Barcelona Ruby Conference called “20,000 Leagues Under ActiveRecord.” (posts: one two and video). Preparing for this presentation over the Summer, I decided to read through p…
看官方文档: PREPARE creates a prepared statement. A prepared statement is a server-side object that can be used to optimize performance. When the PREPARE statement is executed, the specified s…
conditional statement case statement 1. conditional statement     if(expression)         statement_or_null[else statement_or_null]     | if_else_if_statement If the expression evaluates to true(that is ,has a nonzero know value),the first statement s…
14.6 InnoDB Table Management 14.6.1 Creating InnoDB Tables 14.6.2 Moving or Copying InnoDB Tables to Another Machine 14.6.3 Grouping DML Operations with Transactions 14.6.4 Converting Tables from MyISAM to InnoDB 14.6.5 AUTO_INCREMENT Handling in Inn…
1, 2, Introduction to ASP.NET Web Programming Using the Razor Syntax (C#)   By          Tom FitzMackenTom FitzMacken|February 7, 2014 1751 of 1904 people found this help…
在上一篇我们对CoreCLR中的JIT有了一个基础的了解, 这一篇我们将更详细分析JIT的实现. JIT的实现代码主要在下, 要对一个的函数的JIT过程进行详细分析, 最好的办法是查看JitDump. 查看JitDump需要自己编译一个Debug版本的CoreCLR, windows可以看这里, linux可以看这里, 编译完以后定义环境变量COMPlus_JitDump=Main, Mai…
转自:   1. Guiding principles If I’m going to talk about best practices in any programming language I need some way to define what I mean by best. If you came to my keynote…
Symptom You have questions related to the SAP HANA memory. You experience a high memory utilization or out of memory dumps. Environment SAP HANA Cause 1. Which indications exist for SAP HANA memory problems?2. How can I collect information about the…
Install Ruby(安装) For windows you can download Ruby from for Linux try Our first program(从此开始) Enter the following into the file, "test.rb". puts "Howdy!" At the C: prompt en…