Something on RoIAlign --- basic introduction and implementation 2018-10-22 22:40:09 Paper: Mask RCNN Code: Blog: 1. 2.…
reference: The MIX Computer, The MIX Introduction sets, The basic info storage unit in MIX computer is the byte, which stores positive values in the range of 0 to 63. In MIX, Byte only has 6 bytes, and the word Byte refer to MIX 6-byte. A MIX word is……
任何看过MobileNet架构的人都会遇到可分离卷积(separable convolutions)这个概念.但什么是“可分离卷积”,它与标准的卷积又有什么区别?可分离卷积主要有两种类型: 空间可分离卷积(spatial separable convolutions) 深度可分离卷积(depthwise separable convolutions) 空间可分离卷积 从概念上讲,这是两者中较容易的一个,并说明了将一个卷积分成两部分(两个卷积核)的想法,所以我将从这开始. 不幸的是,空间可分离卷积…
Preparation of the Lab Environment: Download and Install Pan-OS from the following website or URL  https://IP Default Username/Password: admin/admin PAN-OS 8 Conf…
原文链接: 系列目录: Relationship in Entity Framework Using Code First Approach With Fluent API[[使用EF Code-First方式和Fluent API来探讨EF中的关系]] Code First Mig…
动机(Motivation) 对于非线性分类问题,如果用多元线性回归进行分类,需要构造许多高次项,导致特征特多学习参数过多,从而复杂度太高. 神经网络(Neural Network) 一个简单的神经网络如下图所示,每一个圆圈表示一个神经元,每个神经元接收上一层神经元的输出作为其输入,同时其输出信号到下一层,其中每一层的第一个神经元称为bias unit,它是额外加入的其值为1,通常用+1表示,下图用虚线画出. 符号说明: $a_i^{(j)}$表示第j层网络的第i个神经元,例如下图$a_1^{(…
代码示例来自 tensorflow先定义运算图,在run的时候才会进行真正的运算. run之前需要先建立一个session 常量用constant 如a = tf.constant(2) 变量用placeholder 需要指定类型 如a = tf.placeholder(tf.int16) 矩阵相乘 matrix1 = tf.constant([[3., 3.]]) #1*2矩阵 matrix…
Project #3 (STREET MAPPING)CSC 172 (Data Structures and Algorithms), Spring 2019,University of RochesterDue Date: WED 05/01 11:59 PMYou can work alone or in a team (max.size of 2).IntroductionThis project will require you to create a rudimentary mapp…   How Can I Learn X? Learning Machine Learning Learning About Computer Science Educational Resources Advice Artificial Intelligence How-to Question Learning New Things Lea…
标签: 原文链接: 系列目录: Relationship in Entity Framework Using Code First Approach With Fluent API[[使用EF Code-First方式和Fluent API来探讨EF中的关系]] Code First…
The pattern language is organized into four design spaces.  Generally one starts at the top in the Finding Concurrency design space and works down through the other design spaces in order until a detailed design for a parallel program is obtained. Cl…
Writing udev rules by Daniel Drake (dsd)Version 0.74 The most recent version of this document can always be found at: Contents Introduction About this document History The concepts Terminology: devfs… Correctly rendering non-refractive transparent surfaces with core OpenGL functionality [9] has the vexing requirements of depth-sorted traversal and nonintersecting polyg…
This guide gives a basic introduction to nginx and describes some simple tasks that can be done with it. 这个向导给了对Nginx的基本介绍和如何用nginx工作的一些简单任务. It is supposed that nginx is already installed on the reader’s machine. 它被支持当nginx已经安装到机器上 If it is not, see…
In this tutorial, you learn how to create a common page layout for multiple pages in your application by taking advantage of view master pages. You can use a view master page, for example, to define a two-column page layout and use the two-column lay… Makefiles Makefiles (or, the GNU automake system), is a programming language all its own, and you can do some pretty spectacular things with them (it). This is a basic introduction to wh…
Lab 6 Implementing Web(HTTP) Services Goal: To implement a Web(HTTP) server with a virtual host and CGI capability. System Setup: Throughout this lab, the hostnames and domain names that you use will be based upon the IP address of your machine. Any…
In two previous blog posts I discussed some techniques for visualizing relationships involving two or three variables and a large number of cases. In this tutorial I will extend that discussion to show some techniques that can be used on large datase…
摘要 随着信息技术的不断发展,人类可以很容易地收集和储存大量的数据,然而,如何在海量的数据中提取对用户有用的信息逐渐地成为巨大挑战.为了应对这种挑战,数据挖掘技术应运而生,成为了最近一段时期数据科学的和人工智能领域内的研究热点.数据集中的频繁模式作为一种有价值的信息,受到了人们的广泛关注,成为了数据挖掘技术研究领域内的热门话题和研究重点. 传统的频繁模式挖掘技术被用来在事务数据集中发现频繁项集,然而随着数据挖掘技术应用到非传统领域,单纯的事务数据结构很难对新的领域的数据进行有效的建模.因此,频繁…
推送原文链接:传送门 关注SomedayWill,了解为微软项目贡献代码的始终. 还记得微软神器samples-for-ai吗?它可不仅仅可以用来安装框架,它其实是个开源的AI样例库,以Visual Stdio工程形式包装,会为微软用户学习开发AI应用带来不小的帮助.现在,Someday及其小伙伴们的代码已经被sameples-for-ai采用!我们是github上首个用Keras框架实现Progressive Growing of GANs模型的项目.该模型出自NVIDIA的研究,原论文将在I…
Regular expressions are a powerful language for matching text patterns. This page gives a basic introduction to regular expressions themselves sufficient for our Python exercises and shows how regular expressions work in Python. The Python "re"…
前面介绍了如何使用badboy录制jmeter脚本,以及如何导入脚本并进行测试 这里介绍下手动创建测试用例,主要步骤如下: 1.创建线程组 第一次打开Jmeter只有一个测试计划,右键“测试计划”选择“添加” -> “Threads” -> “线程组”,即可得到如下配置界面: 名称:即这个线程组的名字 注释:对这个线程组的注释 在取样器执行错误后的操作:根据需要勾选后续执行情况,一般都会选择继续 线程数:即总的测试次数(模拟的用户操作) Ramp-up period:执行完所有线程数所用的时间…
[Implementing a Dispose method] 1.实现System.IDsiposable.Dispose()方法.不能将此方法设置为virtual,子类不能override此方法.此方法的实现必须为如下代码. // Implement IDisposable. // Do not make this method virtual. // A derived class should not be able to override this method. public voi…
Inside Deep Zoom – Part II: Mathematical Analysis Welcome to part two of Inside Deep Zoom. In part one, I talked about the very basic ideas behind Deep Zoom and other multi-scale image technologies. Today, I'd like to continue in a more hands-on fash…
Learning ROS 学习ROS Depending on your learning style and preferences, you can take two approaches to learning ROS: 根据你的学习风格和喜好,你可以采取两种方法来学习ROS: Start the Tutorials - Dive in right away and start working with ROS.  一种是直接开始上手操作ROS (教程:http://wiki.ros.or…
This week’s JavaScript news Read this issue on the Web | Issue Archive JavaScript Weekly Issue 184June 6, 2014 Editor: Peter Cooper   Featured Create a TV Show Tracker using AngularJS, Node.js and MongoDB — A superbly thorough and well-presented tuto…
ECMAscript 6 lets us use string templates to gain a lot more control over strings in JavaScript. var salutation = "Hello"; var place = "New York"; var greeting =` ${salutation}, I am IN ${place} CITY `; console.log(greeting); /** Hello…
We use SoapUI-Pro-5.1.2 1. Basic introduction - Windows 2. Use project environment tab to manage the different environment and configure the properties for each env, this will make the testsuite run in different env in jenkins (using pom.xml configur…
from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello, World!' 启动Server: $ export $ flask run * Running on 或者: $ export $ python -m flask run * Runn…