Not supported for DML operations】的更多相关文章

问题原因 缺失@Modifying注解 问题解决 在自定义的修改方法(delete.update)上面除了@Transactional注解和@Query还需要@Modifying注解 Bug重现 org.hibernate.hql.internal.QueryExecutionRequestException: Not supported for DML operations [delete from com.crab.bookol.entity.User u where u.username…
springData学习资料 [] [JPA报错]org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: org.hiberna…
14.6.3 Grouping DML Operations with Transactions 组DML操作 默认情况下,连接到MySQL server 开始是以启动自动提交模式, 会自动提交每条SQL语句 当你执行它的时候. 这种操作的模式可能会陌生 如果你有其他的数据库经验, 它是标准的执行一个顺序的DML语句,然后提交它们或者全部回滚它们 使用多个事务, 关闭自动提交使用SQL语句 SET autocommit = 0 结束每个事务使用COMMIT 或者 ROLLBACK . 离开自动提…
jap是个全能仓储 jap把很多数据库访问都封装了,并且提交了默认的一切数据方法签名的约定,大家按着约定走,可以不写SQL语句,而如果比较复杂的情况,也需要写SQL,这里我们介绍一下查询和修改的实例方法,有一点要注意,==仓储的写操作是没有返回值==的. 商品仓储个性接口 /** * 产品个性化接口. */ @Repository public interface ProductDetailRepository extends CrudRepository<ProductDetail, Inte…
1.自定义JPQL语句,出现Not supported for DML operations 错误. 解决方案:在@Query注解上面加上@Modifying注解. //出现问题的代码 @Query("delete from SysDept t where =:id") void delSysDept(@Param("id")String id); //修改后的代码 @Modifying @Query("delete from SysDept t…
请参见<springboot详解>springjpa部分知识 1 按照方法命名来进行查询 待更新... package cn.xiangxu.springboot.repository; import cn.xiangxu.springboot.entity.dataObject.Girl; import; import java.util.List; public interface…
在编写自定义SQL的时候需要注意 @Query 注解只能用来查询,想要进行添加.修改和删除操作需要配合 @Modifying 注解一同使用 @Modifying @Query("update AdminUser set username=:#{#adminUser.username},password=:#{#adminUser.password} where id=:#{}") int updateInfoById(@Param("adminUse…
首先看官方文档上的解释: Managing External Tables Oracle Database allows you read-only access to data in external tables. External tables are definedas tables that do not reside in the database, and can be in any format forwhich an access driver is provided. By…
关于DML Error Logging效率的问题,摘自网上一篇文章,作为单独一篇说明,原文如下: DML Error Logging in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 In some situations the most obvious solution to a problem is a DML statement (INSERT ... SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE), but you may choose to avoid DML beca…
Oracle通过锁来实现数据库的并发控制 Oracle Database automatically locks a resource on behalf of a transaction to prevent other transactions from doing something that requires exclusive access to the same resource.  The database automatically acquires different type…
[From] 需要记录下大量DML操作中出错的具体record,看到有两种方案,一种是使用批量DML操作bulk collect并带上save exceptions子句,然后做处理.稍微繁琐,不想使用.于是用另一种方案,就是在DML语句后面跟上LOG ERRORS. LOG ERRORS [INTO [schema.]table] [('simple_expression')…
To speed up bulk loading of data, InnoDB implements an insert buffer, a special index in the InnoDB system tablespace that buffers modifications to secondary indexes when the leaf pages are not in the buffer pool. Batched merges from the insert buffe…
61. View the Exhibit.Which statement regarding the dept and emp tables is true?A) When you delete a row from the emp table, you would receive a constraint violation error.B) When you delete a row from the dept table, you would receive a constraint vi…
转载内容 摘录部分我的笔记的中doc,和大家一起感受Oracle 11g在分区方面的增强--System Partitioning 系统分区的特点 ●系统分区与其他分区相比,一个最根本的区别就是不需要指定分区KEY值 ●数据会进入哪个分区由应用程序决定,实际上也就是由SQL来决定,在Insert语句中可以指定插入哪个分区 ●因为System Partitioning分区表没有分区字段,所以一般分区表的performance benefits对System Partitioning分区表不再适用(…
原地址: Home / Database / Oracle Database Online Documentation 11g Release 2 (11.2) / Database Administration Data Types Each value manipulated by Oracle Database has a data type. The data type of a value associates a fixed set of properties with the va…
200.Which operation requires that you create an auxiliary instance manually before executing the operation? (Choose all that apply.) A. Backup-based database duplication. B. Active database duplication. C. Tablespace point-in-time recovery. D. No ope…
327.You have a database with the following tablespaces: SYSTEM, SYSAUX, UNDO, USERS, TEMP.You want to"roll back" the data in the USERS tablespace to the way it looked yesterday. Whichtablespaces do you need to perform a point-in-time restore ope…
Managing Undo Beginning with Release 11g, for a default installation, Oracle Database automatically manages undo. There is typically no need for DBA intervention. However, if your installation uses Oracle Flashback operations, you may need to perform…
小结: 1.加快读写: 2.对于InnoDB表,在一定条件下,通过复制旧表重建: 3.实践中, processlist;查看线程,发现,认为堵塞读请求: 3.2.数据长度空间不变,索引长度空间减小:历史的写操作是:url访问统计表,当天多次更新当天聚合结果数据的逻辑是“当天数据删除,再插入”(url-pv): MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax https://dev.mys…
Complete list of Microsoft SQL Server trace flags (585 trace flags) REMEMBER: Be extremely careful with trace flags, test in your test environment first. And consult professionals first if you are the slightest uncertain about the effects of your cha…
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) databases form an increasing proportion of Oracle database systems. RAC was introduced in 2001 as part of Oracle 9i and was based on Oracle's earlier Oracle Parallel Server architecture. RAC is almost unique as…
GettingStarted 开始 Created by Confluence Administrator, last modified by Lefty Leverenz on Jun 15, 2017 本文档由Confluence管理员创建,2017年6月15日由Lefty Leverenz最后做的修改. Table of Contents 表格内容包含 Installation and Configuration    安装和配置 Running HiveServer2 and Beeli…
表优化 altering table OPTIMIZE TABLE `sta_addr_copy` [总结] 1.实际测试的结果是,在state sqlaltering table OPTIMIZE TABLE `test`insert成功: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax OPTIMIZE [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL…
1.使用clientAttribute传值.获取值 或组件上面放客户端属性 <af:selectBooleanCheckbox text="" label="" id="sbc1" autoSubmit="true" valueChangeListener="#{viewScope.BulkProcessBean.onSelect}"> <af:clientAttribute name=&…
3.查看库表的最后mysql修改时间, 如果第一次新建的表可能还没有update_time,所以这里用了ifnull,当update_time为null时用create_time替代 select TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME,ifnull(update_time , create_time) from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='table_name' order by ifnull(update_time ,…
  Preface       As we all know,there're three kinds of replication in MySQL nowadays.Such as,asynchronous replication,(full)synchronous replication,semi-synchronous replication.What's the difference between them?First of all,let's see the intact arch…
  Preface       I've implemented the Group Replication with three servers yesterday,What a shame it eventually terminated in several glitches.Now that it doesn't work appropriately,I decide to inquire what has happened and solve the problems.Let's se…
  Preface       When we add a new node into PXC structure,it will estimate the mothed(IST/SST) to transfer data to the new node.It's no wonder that sst will be automatically choosed.What if a dropped node in PXC by accident want to rejoin the cluster…
Creating and Removing PDBs with SQL*Plus This chapter contains the following topics: About Creating and Removing PDBs Preparing for PDBs Creating a PDB Using the Seed Creating a PDB by Plugging an Unplugged PDB into a CDB Unplugging a PDB from a CDB…