Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing only 1's and return its area. Example: Input: [ ["1","0","1","0","0"], ["1","0","1",&qu…
之前切了道求解最大正方形的题,题解猛戳 这里.这道题 Maximal Rectangle 题意与之类似,但是解法完全不一样. 先来看这道题 Largest Rectangle in Histogram,如果暴力求解,可以枚举每个点为最小值,向两边扩展,复杂度 O(n^2).我们可以维护一个栈,从而将复杂度降低到 O(n),这个栈的思维非常巧妙,参考了 discuss,我是完全想不出来(或者说忘记了).具体代码可以猛戳 这里. 2016-08-07 补:stack 数组维护的是一个单调递增的数组,…
Maximal Rectangle Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing all ones and return its area.     使用dpHeight[]数组来记录到第i行为止,第j个位置垂直连续包含多少个1(包括matrxi[i][j]).如: 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 有如下结果: 第1行: dpHeight[…
Given a 2D boolean matrix filled with False and True, find the largest rectangle containing all True and return its area. ExampleGiven a matrix: [ [1, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]return 6. LeetCode上…
Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing all ones and return its area. 此题是之前那道的Largest Rectangle in Histogram 直方图中最大的矩形 的扩展,这道题的二维矩阵每一层向上都可以看做一个直方图,输入矩阵有多少行,就可以形成多少个直方图,对每个直方图都调用Largest Rectangle in Hist…
链接: [描述] Given a 2D binary matrix filled with '0's and '1's, find the largest rectangle containing all ones and return its area. [中文描述] 给一个二维数组, 算出里面最大的全1矩形面积,比如: [ ['1','1','1','0'], ['1','1','1','1']…
Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing all ones and return its area. 找到01矩形中最大的全1子矩阵. 我自己的思路: 我先用一个跟输入相同大小的矩阵numInCol 存储从当前位置开始向下有多少连续的1. 如 其numInCol 是 然后用一个变量tmpans来记录以某个位置开始,其右下矩形的最大全1矩阵的大小. 方法是如果当前位…
给定一个只含0和1的数组,求含1的最大矩形面积. Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing all ones and return its area. 这样的题一般看来都是有O(n*m)的解法的. 借助上一题Largest Rectangle in Histogram 的解法. 我们现在把矩阵的每一行当做是上一题的问题,然后遍历所有的行数,取最大数就是解. 这里的…
Find the total area covered by two rectilinear rectangles in a 2D plane. Each rectangle is defined by its bottom left corner and top right corner as shown in the figure. Assume that the total area is never beyond the maximum possible value of int. 对于…
For a web developer, it is very important to know how to design a web page's size. So, given a specific rectangular web page’s area, your job by now is to design a rectangular web page, whose length L and width W satisfy the following requirements: 1…