MAVLink Linux/QNX/MacOs Integration Tutorial (UDP) Overview This program was written to test the udp connection to QGroundControl. It will send the necessary mavlink packets to QGroundControl in order to cause a new UAS object to be created and allow…
原文:Your First ASP.NET Core Application on a Mac Using Visual Studio Code 作者:Daniel Roth.Steve Smith 以及 Rick Anderson 翻译:赵志刚 校对:何镇汐.刘怡(AlexLEWIS) 本节将展示如何在 macOS 平台上创建首个 ASP.NET Core 应用程序. 配置开发环境 在开发机中下载并安装 .NET Core.Visual Studio Code 及 C# 扩展(在 VS Cod…
这篇博客将梳理一下.NET中4个Timer类,及其用法. 1. System.Threading.Timer public Timer(TimerCallback callback, object state, int dueTime, int period); callback委托将会在period时间间隔内重复执行,state参数可以传入想在callback委托中处理的对象,dueTime标识多久后callback开始执行,period标识多久执行一次callback. using Syst… Swift 3 and OpenGL on Linux and macOS with GLFW Posted on November 19, 2016 by Sol This is a short article about how to get started with Swift 3 and OpenGL on Linux and macOS. I…
1. 建立timer import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; public class Start { public class Start { private static final int RT_TIME_INTERVAL = 30*1000; //30s public static void main(String[] args) { TimerTask task = new MyTask(); Timer timer =…
1. Get Timer Job internal name with id. Job ID can be found in SharePoint CA. Below PowerShell can help you retrieve all jobs’ Internal Name by keywords. Get-SPTimerJob | Sort-Object name | where {$_.Name -like "*Profile*"} | ft id,name 2. Using…
macOS Sierra 11.12 已经帮我们预装了 Ruby.PHP(5.6).Perl.Python 等常用的脚本语言,以及 Apache HTTP 服务器.由于 nginx 既能作为 HTTP 服务器也能作为反向代理服务器,且配置简单,这里我们用 nginx 代替 Apache 作为我们默认的 HTTP 服务器.喜欢用 Apache 的同学可以移步:The Perfect Web Development Environment for Your New Mac 下面是我在 macOS S…