Abstract Network Load Balancing, a clustering technology included in the Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Datacenter Server operating systems, enhances the scalability and availabilit…
debug iapp through debug ip ftp debug iapp : to begin debugging of IAPP operations(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug iapp debug idmgr : to enable debugging for the identity manager (IDMGR)(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug idmgr debug of-mgr efp-ext…
debug eap through debug he-module subslot periodic debug eap : to display information about Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP)(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug eap debug ecfmpal : to enable debugging of the data path of the Ethernet Connectivit…
debug aaa accounting through debug auto-config debug aaa accounting : to display information on accountable events as they occur(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug aaa accounting : to disable debugging output debug aaa authentication : to display info…
概述 文章负载均衡(Load Balancing)学习笔记(一) 讲述了负载均衡的一般性原理,本文继续介绍常见的实现负载均衡的方法. HTTP重定向 HTTP重定向服务器是一台普通的Web服务器,用户的请求先到达重定向服务器,这台服务器会挑选一台后端服务器的地址(例如使用轮询的方式),并将该地址写入HTTP重定向响应结果中(以响应状态码302返回)返回给用户.用户将根据这个新的地址重新发送请求到选中的服务器上.选中的服务器会处理用户请求,并将结果返回给用户.HTTP重定向的处理流程如图1所示.图…
首先说说IOS的运行平台,c2500.c2600.c4500.c2950代表运行此IOS的硬件平台,例如:C2500指2500系列路由器. 其次,看看IOS的版本,IOS有主版本号:等,这些主版本号相当于windows的版本有win98.win2000.winxp.win2003. 当Cisco发布了某个主版本号的IOS以后,它会对它进行维护(仅修正bug,不添加新功能),每维护一次,维护版本号加1.例如c2…
“应用交付”,实际上就是指应用交付网络(Application Delivery Networking,简称ADN),它利用相应的网络优化/加速设备,确保用户的业务应用能够快速.安全.可靠地交付给内部员工和外部服务群.从定义中可以看出应用交付的宗旨是保证企业关键业务的可靠性.可用性与安全性.应用交付应是多种技术的殊途同归,比如广域网加速.负载均衡.Web应用防火墙…针对不同的应用需求有不同的产品依托和侧重. 网络的发展为企业带来更多的机遇,但也给企业带来了更多的挑战,随着应用系统访问人数的快速增…
How Load Balancing Policies Work How Load Balancing Policies Work After you create a load balancer, you can apply policies to control traffic distribution to your backe…
How To Use HAProxy to Set Up MySQL Load Balancing Dec  2, 2013 MySQL, Scaling, Server Optimization Ubuntu, Debian         Prelude HAProxy is an open source software which can load balance HTTP and TCP servers. In the previous article on HAProxy we co…
C. Load Balancing time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In the school computer room there are n servers which are responsible for processing several computing tasks. You know the…