Designing Your App’s Products A product is something you want to sell in your app’s store. You create and configure products in iTunes Connect, and your app interacts with products using the SKProduct and SKProductsRequest classes. 产品是你想要在应用商店里出售的东西.…
Preparing for App Review After you finish testing, you’re ready to submit your app for review. This chapter highlights a few tips to help you through the review process. 当你完成测试以后,就表示已经准备好提交应用以供审核. 该章节重点介绍了一些提示来帮助你通过审核过程. Submitting Products for Revie…
Introduction In-App Purchase is an Apple technology that allows your users to purchase content and services from within your app. You set up In-App Purchase products through iTunes Connect, a suite of web-based tools. You implement In-App Purchase in…
Audio Queue Services 的苹果官方文档: 网友对上面的苹果官方文档的部分翻译: 音频队列服务编程指南(Audio Queue Servi…
In App Purchase StatusesThe following are the available states that can be assigned to your in app purchase.A) Pending Developer Approval – Your in app purchase has been created but has not been tested in a sandbox environment and approved by you.B) …
App Store对于应用上架的审核是非常严格的,很可能一个没有注意到的细节,或者一个你根本没想想到的原因就会导致你的应用上架失败.而排除这些无可避免的错误以外,还有一些导致应用上架失败的原因,非常常见,但开发者却很可能不知道.App Store有哪些原因会影响app应用上架呢?那么亿合科技小编来为读者分享下: 1. 条款和条件 1.1 为App Store开发程序,开发者必须遵守 Program License Agreement (PLA).人机交互指南(HIG)以及开发者和苹果签订的任何协…
  Designing Your Data Source and Delegate 设计你的数据源和委托 Every collection view must have a data source object providing it with content to display. The data source object is an object that your app provides. It could be an object from your app’s data mod…
Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution  You can edit your project settings anytime, but some settings are necessary during development. Others are recommended when you distribute your app for beta testing and required when you submit your ap…
View and Window Architecture 视图和窗口架构 Views and windows present your application’s user interface and handle the interactions with that interface. UIKit and other system frameworks provide a number of views that you can use as-is with little or no mod…
About In-App Purchase In-App Purchase allows you to embed a store inside your app using the Store Kit framework. This framework connects to the App Store on your app’s behalf to securely process payments from users, prompting them to authorize paymen…