c# Custom Controls】的更多相关文章

A very simple introduction to writing your first .NET control Download source files - 1 Kb Introduction This is an extremely simple introduction to creating a control, adding methods and properties, and adding event handlers. There are two types of c…
ASP.NET:  http://www.screencast.com/t/OHhcHD9vy WinForms: http://www.screencast.com/t/8M8K4eskkYO9…
隐藏原生html5 video controls 凤凰视频焦点项目mobile html5播放器测试时bug,由于没有用原生的controls而是自己写的custom controls,虽然设置了controls的值为false,但实际情况是比如暂停还是存在,导致与custom的重叠. 协助同事解决这个bug时还好找到了这篇文章(有空完整翻译下.=.=) Hiding Native HTML5 Video Controls in Full-Screen Mode ----------------…
Friday, May 13, 2016 Some weeks ago, we released the TMS FNC UI Pack, a set of Framework Neutral Components (FNC), i.e. UI controls that can be used from VCL Windows applications, FireMonkey (FMX) Windows, Mac OS-X, iOS, Android applications and LCL…
In my previous post, I have already defined how you can inherit from an existing control and define your own reusable chunk. The reusable XAML code that I have defined there is actually a composition of one of more existing elements in a common desig…
I have always found that there isn’t enough documentation about Custom Control development in WPF. Most of the information is segregated into articles, blog entries and posts on the WPF Forums. In order to save the trouble for other fellow WPF develo…
原文:WPF中的Generic.xaml, theme以及custom control 在Visual Studio中创建自定义控件时,所有控件都将添加到/Themes/Generic.xaml. 最近做的项目用了个漂亮的开源UI库,结果项目临近结尾发现要支持.Net 3.5, 然而那个UI库却最低支持4.0.欲哭无泪,最后决定拿掉那个库,自己改改style得了.深刻的教训. 作为程序员一般都比较害怕搞界面,这下硬着头皮上,折腾折腾Blend,抄抄改改各种style,弄着弄着居然能看懂个大概了.…
1 自定义控件与用户控件区别 WinForm中, 用户控件(User Control):继承自 UserControl,主要用于开发 Container 控件,Container控件可以添加其他Controls控件 自定义控件(Custom Control):继承自 Control,主要用于开发windows控件的最基本的类,比如 Text,Button 控件 2 要开发自己的控件的几种方法[1] 复合控件(Composite Controls):将现有的各种控件组合起来,形成一个新的控件,来满…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games http://it-ebooks.info/book/3544/Learning Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
Awesome系列的.Net资源整理.awesome-dotnet是由quozd发起和维护.内容包括:编译器.压缩.应用框架.应用模板.加密.数据库.反编译.IDE.日志.风格指南等. 算法与数据结构(Algorithms and Data structures) Algorithmia - Algorithm and data-structure library for .NET 3.5 and up. Algorithmia contains sophisticated algorithms…
Session for SSRS Report of Microsoft Dynamics AX 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. Contract •A data contract class has methods with the DataMemberAttribute [DataContractAttribute] attribute. The name that follows the attribute is the parameter name that dis…
Report processing of Microsoft Dynamic AX 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. The implementation of a general electronic report usually has four classes. Contract: Comment: Contract class is data contract class for SSRS report . Intent: Gets or sets the value…
Xamarin 3.7.165 Preview 下载地址:http://download.xamarin.com/XamarinforVisualStudio/Windows/Xamarin.VisualStudio_Setup-3.7.165.msi 刮刮乐:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6x9ffk 简单的来说,此次版本更新了对iOS 8的重大支持,以及Xamarin组件的功能更新和BUG修复,并且改进了某些兼容性问题. 想要了解详情请看下面,或者直达: What is…
A Simple Cross Button for WPF   CREATING MORE COMPLEX BUTTONS IN XAML   WPF Custom Controls - Without The Pain     Creating a Custom WPF Button Template in XAML…
本文并非最终版本,如有更新或更正会第一时间置顶,联系方式详见文末 如果觉得本文内容过长,请前往本人 “简书”     下载地址: 软件:https://yunpan.cn/cuTg8rCMTsLT6 (提取码:9913) 汉化包:https://yunpan.cn/cuTg5nczRFHZG (提取码:c0a8)   这款多功能窗口移动兼缩放工具融合了 Cinch,Divvy,Spectacle 等同类软件的看门本领,能够快速修改当前窗口大小并放置在指定位置,Moom 默认操作点设立在了窗口左上…
设计师设计出来了一个不错的引导界面,然而当我看到设计稿的时候,我们的app也没几天就要上线了.这个界面模仿了Evernote iOS app的风格. 我以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势开始在Xcode上编程,用了page view controller和scroll view.在Stack Overflow和Google的帮助下,我用了2天把它完成了.当我把产品给一个同样搞iOS开发的朋友看时,他跟我说,如果我用了这个开源项目的话,一个小时就可以搞定一切. 过去这一年我经历了不少类似的事情,这些事情让我成…
Question 45 You are designing a branding strategy for a customer with a new SharePoint 2010 server farm. The branding strategy you recommend must enable each department in the company to customize sites with their specific branding preferences. The d…
英文原文:Things I wish I had known before starting iOS development—Part 1 http://www.cocoachina.com/ios/20150608/12052.html 设计师设计出来了一个不错的引导界面,然而当我看到设计稿的时候,我们的app也没几天就要上线了.这个界面模仿了Evernote iOS app的风格. 我以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势开始在Xcode上编程,用了page view controller和scroll v…
简介Microsoft的 ASP.NET 技术提供了一个面向对象.事件驱动的编程模型,并将其与已编译代码的优势结合起来.但其服务器端的处理模型仍存在技术本身所固有的几点不足: 进行页面更新需要往返服务器,因此需要页面刷新: 来回往返不会保留 Javascript 或其他客户端技术(如 Adobe Flash)生成的任何效果. 在回传过程中,除 Microsoft Internet Explorer 之外的浏览器都不支持自动存储滚动位置.而即使在Internet Explorer 中,页面刷新时仍…
View Controller Basics   视图控制器基础 Apps running on iOS–based devices have a limited amount of screen space for displaying content and therefore must be creative in how they present information to the user. Apps that have lots of information to display…
by Yaron Assa I have recently come across a plug-in to QTP that enables to automate tests on Android. The plug-in is used to define the tests and then has code export to QTP, so that the actual work is mainly done in the QTP framework. We will write…
原作者: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/goshoom/archive/2011/10/06/tutorial-wpf-user-control-for-ax2012.aspx Tutorial: WPF User Control for AX2012 RATE THIS MARTIN DRÁB  6 OCT 2011 11:27 AM  0 One of many new features in Dynamics AX 2012 which bring…
声明:原创作品,转载时请注明文章来自SAP师太技术博客( 博/客/园www.cnblogs.com):www.cnblogs.com/jiangzhengjun,并以超链接形式标明文章原始出处,否则将追究法律责任!原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/jiangzhengjun/p/4292250.html 弹出确认对话框 对话屏幕Dynpro(SE51) 屏幕元素 屏幕属性 l  屏幕序号(Screen number).四个数字组成的序列号,用于在程序中确定屏幕,该序号在同一…
声明:原创作品,转载时请注明文章来自SAP师太技术博客( 博/客/园www.cnblogs.com):www.cnblogs.com/jiangzhengjun,并以超链接形式标明文章原始出处,否则将追究法律责任!原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/jiangzhengjun/p/4291373.html 设置单元格级别的可编辑 OO ALV EnjoySAP Controls and CFW EnjoySAP Control是SAP提供的基于OO架构的UI技术.CFW:Co…
Galleriffic是一个用于创建快速展示相册中照片的jQuery插件.从图一中可以看成,图片既可以以幻灯片的方式查看,也可以手动点击缩略图查看.Galleriffic还支持分页,从而使得它能够展示更多的图片. ▲图片一 Galleriffic图片画廊插件 Galleriffic的主要特点如下: · Smart image preloading after the page is loaded · Thumbnail navigation (with pagination) · jQuery.…
Akamai’s Open Video Player for HTML5 <video> Akamai has released a new Open Video Player for HTML5 <video> developer toolkit, aimed at simplifying the task of creating flexible HTML5-based video player applications for delivery of HTTP content…
<UserControl x:Class="SilverlightTest.PolygonTest" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/express…
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/7926.sharepoint-2010-tips-for-dealing-with-performance-issues.aspx http://www.aptimize.com/upload/docs/sharepoint-performance-optimization-10-steps.pdf How to tune SharePoint 2010 Server for…
http://fxexperience.com/2012/03/announcing-fx-experience-tools/ I have some cool new stuff for you today. I have been working on porting some of the little tools I wrote for JavaFX 1.X. Also I was inspired by the web css button creator UiParade Butto…