## 教材学习内容总结第二章内容1.标识符第一个字符不能是数字字符不能是关键字和true\false\null2.8个基本数据类型boolean int byte short long float double charfloat a=1.23flong width=12L精度排序(小到大)byte short char int long float double类型转换(高到低)例:int a=130b=(byte)n;//导致精度的损失3.输入.输出Scanner reader=new Sc…
本周末上了三节课,做个小结吧\(^o^)/~: [102] 新概念一早读 - 27 - 28 Teacher: March Mrs. Smith's living room is large. There is a television in the room. The television is near the window. There are some magazines on the television. There is a table in the room. T…