Documentation | AnsibleWorks Welcome to the Ansible documentation! Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates.…
OpenCASCADE Documentation System Abstract. Doxygen is the de facto standard tool for generating documentation from annotated C++ sources, but it also supports other popular programming languages. You can also use doxygen for creating no…
Spring Framework中web相关的知识 1.概述: 参考资料:官网documentation中第22小节内容 关于spring web mvc: spring framework中拥有自己的web层框架,叫做spring web MVC,开发者可以直接使用spring MVC作为web框架,也可以不使用spring MVC,而是集成其他三方web框架,如Struts2 关于spring web flow:Spring Web Flow (SWF) aims to be the be…
Spring framework中的beans 1.概述 bean其实就是各个类实例化后的对象,即objects spring framework的IOC容器所管理的基本单元就是bean spring的IOC容器管理bean的实例化.依赖关系配置过程.bean组装过程(依据依赖关系进行组装) 使用spring的IOC容器管理beans,有三种配置beans之间的依赖关系的方法,分别是XML-based configuration.annotion-based configuration以及Jav…
Linux上安装Apache时,编译出现错误: checking for APR... no configure: error: APR not found . Please read the documentation 安装APR,下载所需软件包,如果此时计算机可以上网,执行命令下载文件: wget wget…
今日编译apache时出错: #./configure --prefix……检查编辑环境时出现: checking for APR... no configure: error: APR not found . Please read the documentation 解决办法: 1.下载所需软件包: apr以及apr-util官网 wget…