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About Us - Tech in Asia - Tech in Asia About us Asia is big. Its place in the world, even bigger. Tech in Asia is an online technology media company based across Asia and the US. As a crew of journalists and bloggers with a culture and passion for ne…
Asia/Beijing 这个时区是消失了么? 大约1小时 ago @tinyfool 对啊,我就奇怪为什么北京时间就要用上海和成都... 大约1小时 ago @tinyfool @CatChen我所疑惑的就是为什么不统一一下呢,很容易产生困惑噢 大约1小时 ago 开发者都知道 想必做开发的,尤其是PHP或Java的,很多年前就都会注意到这个情况:时区中没有asia/beijing,只有asia/shanghai和asia/chongqing.以前看到不少这种抱怨的帖子,毕竟和心理预期不一样,…
Being I have owned some of these units. Can offer some advice… GM Tech 1, GM Tech 1a. Early and latter versions. Built and software by Vetronix. Petty much obsolite tool. GM coverage ended in 1997. ‘Valuable’ units would be with a GM MSC (mass storag…
Many customers ask for this question: what is the difference between GM tech 2 and GM MDI Tech 3 scan tool, if you want buy GM Diagnostics Tools, which one is good? here, we suggest which one is good auto diagnostic tool for GENERAL MOTORS GM MDI Tec…
linux date 显示指定时区的时间 借助TZ 环境变量 export TZ=Asia/Shanghai 或 America/New_York 2015-02-10 10:58:22 youcharming 阅读数 14670 文章标签: linuxdate显示指定时区TZ环境变量 更多 分类专栏: linux系统   版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明. 本文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/youcharmi…
GM has had its newest programming/J2534 Pass Thru device on the market for some years now. A lot has been said about it and I am here to tell you that I have finally taken the plunge into GM MDI in, pretty much, all of its aspects. I decided after ta…
http://hx100.blog.51cto.com/44326/339949/ 一.基本系统安装1.下载CentOS 5我是下载的DVD版本,大家也可以下载服务器CD安装版本,其实都差不多.大家可以到这儿下载,速度很快的.http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/ce...86-bin-DVD.iso建议在windows下用BT或迅雷下载,速度会快很多.下载后刻录成光盘.我建议你刻录DVD啦,如果是菜鸟,把图形界面也装上,可以在图形界面进行学习,当然强烈不建议在服务…
From:https://www.centos.org/download/mirrors/ CentOS welcomes new mirror sites. If you are considering setting up a public mirror site for CentOS, please follow the mirror guidelines to make sure that your mirror is consistent with the other mirror s…
10 Sep 2018 MDK editions for Nuvoton devices For users of Nuvoton devices, Keil® MDK increases its appeal with the introduction of a free version for programming Nuvoton's Arm Cortex-M0 and M23 based devices, removing a barrier for budget-limited pro…
集群相关概念简述 HA是High Available缩写,是双机集群系统简称,指高可用性集群,是保证业务连续性的有效解决方案,一般有两个或两个以上的节点,且分为活动节点及备用节点. 1.集群的分类: LB:负载均衡集群 lvs负载均衡 nginx反向代理 HAProxyHA: 高可用集群 heartbeat keepalived redhat5 : cman + rgmanager , conga(WebGUI) --> RHCS(Cluster Suite)集群套件 redhat6 : cma…