字符串作为人类最常处理的内容,在计算中决定了其占有重要的地位.在 Python 中,字符串的操作和处理往往需要根据实际问题,结合其他操作才可以完成目标.在复杂世界仅仅是字符串 API 还无法完成工作.故本章仅先贴出 str 对象的内容,给出一个印象认识. 通过安装的 python 环境,并运行 ipython,查看帮助文档内容如下: In [9]: help(str) Help on class str in module builtins: class str(object) | str(ob…
字符串的常见操作 """ DATA STRUCTURE Container: Sequence -- String String is immutable.If string transfer to List, it can be mutable. Another way to change the content of Strings, use inner API, such as replace(), translate(), find(), join(), split(…
参考文档 https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3.7/tutorial/introduction.html#lists """ DATA STRUCTURE Container: Sequence -- String.List & Tuple List can be Changed or Updated. But, Tuple can not be. To define a list, you can use symbol '[ ]', tup…
#! /usr/bin/python # coding:utf-8 """ DATA STRUCTURE Container: Mapping (Another container is Set) -- Dict Dict is the only one type of Mapping in python. It's unordered. To define a dict, use symbol '{ }', stored by 'K-V' form. So, while i…