大会文档下载:https://www.blackhat.com/eu-13/archives.html 此次BH EU 议题整体较水,涉及系统安全.移动安全.网络传输安全.WEB安全.游戏安全等.下面随便挑几个议题简单介绍下,有些议题不是很感兴趣,有些也特水,有兴趣的自己到上面链接下载文档. 1.<A PERFECT CRIME? ONLY TIME WILL TELL> 讲述SSL攻击方法——CRIME,如何从SSL加密的会话中获取到cookie,CRIME原理就是通过在受害者的浏览器中运行…
第一题好像就很难,看了payload,算是涨见识了,感觉有点为了猜而猜. 题目给我们的时候是这样的:http://chall.tasteless.eu/level1/index.php?dir=ASC asc,desc 一对好基友,所以猜测是order by 后的注入.然后有个提示:Capture the flag! hint: table level1_flag column flag No Bsqli!! 不用布尔型注入.想法就是报错注入, 然后把语句丢上去. http://chall.…
retrievedata.py ### here first to check the existence of the focal mechanism event file in the NDK directory, ### if existence, mostly useful for the waveforms inversion,if not,download the event quakeml from ### iris without focal mechanism. Then do…
LaTeX command Equivalent to Output style Remarks \textnormal{...} {\normalfont...} document font family This is the default or normal font. \emph{...} {\em ...} emphasis Typically italics. Using emph{} inside of italic text removes the italics on the…
我们来看看lua vm在解析下面源码并生成bytecode时的整个过程: foo = "bar" local a, b = "a", "b" foo = a 首先我们先使用ChunkySpy这个工具来看看vm最终会具体生成什么样的vm instructions 在这里,开头为[数字]的行是vm真正生成的字节码,我们看到一共生成了六行字节码.首先loadk将常量表中下标为1的常量即"bar"赋给寄存器0:然后setglobal将…