ref: ref: Web-Security-Learning 学习资料01月29日更新: 新收录文章 mysql SSRF To RCE in MySQL MSSQL MSSQL不使用xp_cmdshell执行命令并获取回显的两种方法 postgresql 渗透中利用postgres…
今天惯例邮箱收到了Twitter的邮件提醒有新的post,这种邮件每天都能收到几封,正好看到一个Bug Bounty的write up,比较感兴趣,看起来也在我的理解范围之内,这里对这篇write up和另一篇一起做一个总结,希望能对自己对于web security的学习和bug bounty的路程有所帮助. write-up 地址 Add description to Instagram Posts on behalf of other users - 6500$ Making an XSS…
Basic and advanced exploits for XSS proofs and attacks. Work in progress, bookmark it. Technique Vector/Payload * * In URLs: & => %26 , # => %23 , + => %2B HTML Context Tag Injection <svg onload=alert(1)>"><svg onload=alert(1…
此文转载 XXE VALID USE CASE This is a nonmalicious example of how external entities are used: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE copyright [ <!ELEMENT copyright (#PCDATA)> <!ENTITY c SYSTEM "http://www.…
Portswigger web security academy:Reflected XSS 目录 Portswigger web security academy:Reflected XSS Reflected XSS into HTML context with nothing encoded Reflected XSS into HTML context with most tags and attributes blocked Reflected XSS into HTML contex…