needed depending on the platform to change the CSS to suit the size of the font. for example the DbGrid Hi You can try this js code to check platform. Add MainForm's Script properties. var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window…
What things should a programmer implementing the technical details of a web application consider before making the site public? If Jeff Atwood can forget about HttpOnly cookies, sitemaps, and cross-site request forgeries all in the same site, what im…
Creating an API-Centric Web Application 转自 by NIKKO BAUTISTA on DEC 30, 2011 SHARE Difficulty: INTERMEDIATETime: LONGType: TUTORIAL Download Source Files Planning to…
About creating web GIS applications As you learn and use ArcGIS for Server, you'll probably reach the point where you want to build or customize your own web application to work with your GIS services. Esri offers several resources that you can use t…
The screenshots of english language version collabration web application which is as following: Include Android app(Native App -> Cordova Web App), window popup notification, responsive UI(Designed by myself),Ajax UE, dynamic permission engine(It can…
Web Application Penetration Testing Local File Inclusion (LFI) Testing Techniques Jan 04, 2017, Version 1.0 Contents What is a Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability? Example of Vulnerable Code Identifying LFI Vulnerabilities within Web Application…
转自 lbimba  铜牌会员 这里给广大的煤油推荐一个web网站压力测试工具.它可以用来模拟多个用户操作网站,在程序投入运行时,可以用它来进行程序的测试并得到Web站点的稳定 参数,甚至于可以对一台小型的 Web服务器发动灾难性的拒绝式攻击~~它就是大名鼎鼎的web application stress.二.工具简单设置打开Web Application Stress Tool,很简洁的一个页面(如图1…
Web压力测试是目前比较流行的话题,利用Web压力测试可以有效地测试一些Web服务器的运行状态和响应时间等等,对于Web服务器的承受力测试是个非常好的手法.Web 压力测试通常是利用一些工具,例如微软的Web Application Stress.Linux下的siege.功能全面的Web-CT等等,这些都是非常优秀的Web压力测试工具. 虽然这些工具给我们测试服务器承受能力带来方便,但是它们的危害却更是惊人,甚至于利用随便一种比较全面的测试工具就可以对一台小型的 Web服务器发动灾难性的拒绝式…
刚刚翻笔记翻到一些刚学SharePoint时候解决的一些很2的初级问题,本来是有些挣扎该不该把它们记录到这个blog里的?因为担心这些很初级的文章会拉低这个blog的逼格,但是我的哥们善意的提醒了我一下,说我的逼格本来就不高,于是我就放心的开写了. 其实不开玩笑的讲,做一个SharePoint Administrator很多时候不会碰到很多developer们碰到的那么高大上的问题,难的问题虽然也会经常有,但更多的都是一些琐碎的杂七杂八的问题,可人生不就是从杂七杂八中一点一点积累的过程吗?不记录…
平台环境 Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard, SharePoint Server 2010, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) 问题描述 在 SharePoint Central Administration 中 New Web Application 时出现如下错误: The password supplied with the username *** was not correct. Verify that it was ente…