今天集成zuul与consul的时候,出现如下错误 ***************************APPLICATION FAILED TO START*************************** Description: An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location: org.springframework.c…
跑的时候出现错误: Description: An attempt was made to call the method org.quartz.Scheduler.getListenerManager()Lorg/quartz/ListenerManager; but it does not exist. Its class, org.quartz.Scheduler, is available from the following locations: jar:/quartz-.jar!/o…
今天新安装了soapui准备测试一下接口,结果安装成功后启动时报错:The JVM could not be started. The maximum heap size (-Xmx) might be too large 意思就是:Java虚拟机无法启动.Xmx可能太大 这时就需要将这个参数的值改小一点. 经过排查这个参数在soapui安装目录\bin\目录下的vmoptions配置文件中 将原来的值改为800,保存后启动成功…
mysql启动报错Starting MySQL... ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/opt/mysql/data/mysql.pid) 查看mysql错误日志也没有写入. 最后发现是selinux打开,汗…… 参考 mysql启动时报错:Starting MySQL... ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/opt/mysql/data/mysql.pid)…