/etc/docker/key.json 描述信息: This is the dockerd key for TLS connections.in web format, that docker uses when connecting to other TLS servers like registries.It's automatically generated by the docker engine on startup, so there's no risk if deleted. Y…
On Linux The default location of the configuration file on Linux is /etc/docker/daemon.json. The --config-file flag can be used to specify a non-default location. This is a full example of the allowed configuration options on Linux: { "authorization-…
问题: 本地没有taskworker镜像,docker从远端拉取,但是拉取时需要读取config.json配置,解析配置时,发现config.json是个目录,错误信息如下: taskworker_1 | --11T08::.688875905Z docker: Error response from daemon: taskworker:latest not found: does not exist or no pull access. taskworker_1 | 2018-04-11T0…