控制器 class CourseSurveysController < ResourcesBaseController end controller_name # "course_surveys" controller_name.singularize # "course_survey" controller_name.singularize.classify # "CourseSurvey" 'Module'.constantize #…
caffe机器学习环境搭建及python接口编译参见我的上一篇博客:机器学习caffe环境搭建--redhat7.1和caffe的python接口编译 1.运行caffe图片分类器python接口 还是假设caffe的源码下载的路径为:/code,那么有这么个文件/code/caffe/python/classify.py,它是caffe团队提供的一个python实现的图片分类器的接口.运行该接口有两个必须参数,一个是你要操作的图片,另一个就是保存运行结果的文件.但是该接口需要简单修改才能运行,…
比如你在mnist的prototxt中定义图输入是单通道的,也就是channel=1,然后如果直接调用classify.py脚本来测试的话,是会报错,错误跟一下类似. Source param shape is 128 3 32 32; target param shape is 128 1 32 32. 意思就是网络要求输入是1 channel,而你读入的数据是3 channels. 即使你再调用这个脚本之前,已经把图转换成灰度图了,也是不行. 那是因为caffe.io.load_image读…
CONTROLLER_NAME 常量 当前访问的控制器…
In this lesson, we will learn how to train a Naive Bayes classifier and a Logistic Regression classifier - basic machine learning algorithms - on JSON text data, and classify it into categories. While this dataset is still considered a small dataset…
In this lesson, we will learn how to train a Naive Bayes classifier or a Logistic Regression classifier - basic machine learning algorithms - in order to classify text into categories. var natural = require('natural'); var classifier = new natural.Ba…
The k-nearest neighbors algorithm is used for classification of unknown items and involves calculating the distance of the unknown item's neighbors. We'll use Euclidean distance to determine the closest neighbor and make our best guess on what the my…
1.项目目录 2.逻辑层 broadcast.js // pages/broadcast/broadcast.js Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { firstIndex: -1, //准备数据 //数据结构:以一组一组来进行设定 commodityAttr: [ { priceId: 1, price: 35.0, "stock": 8, "attrValueList": [ { "attrKey": "…
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14025965/mftraining-gives-warning-no-protos-configs-for-f-in-createinttemplates 大概意思就是,文件命名格式问题 文件命名要三部分 语言.字体名字.exp[随便写一个数字] 原来我写的是eng.hangwriting.tif 应该是eng.hangwriting.exp0.tif 问题解决 解决办法在这里…
1.将表格名转成class名 classify "book_comments".classify => "BookComment"   2.class名转成table_name(和上面的相反) tableize "BookComment".tableize => "book_comments" 3.将class名转成class constantize "BookComment".constant…