Improve response times and handle more users with parallel processing Building a web application using non blocking calls to the data layer is a great way to increase the scalability of your system. Performing a task asynchronously frees up the worke…
本文转自: Thanks to everyone for allowing us to give back to the .NET community, we released v1.0 of the Generic Unit of Work and Repository Framework for four weeks and received 655 downloads and 4121 views. This po…
Async query and Save: You can take advantage of asynchronous execution of .Net 4.5 with Entity Framework. EF 6 has the ability to execute a query and command asynchronously using DbContext. Let's see how to execute asynchronous query first and then w…
These days there’s a wealth of information about the new async and await support in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. This article is intended as a “second step” in learning asynchronous programming; I assume that you’ve read at least one introductor…
Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await You can avoid performance bottlenecks and enhance the overall responsiveness of your application by using asynchronous programming. However, traditional techniques for writing asynchronous applications ca…
C# 5.0 推出async和await,最早是.NET Framework 4.5引入,可以在Visual Studio 2012使用.在此之前的异步编程实现难度较高,async使异步编程的实现变得简便. 各平台对async的支持情况 平台 async .NET 4.5及以上 ✓ .NET 4.0 NuGet Mono iOS/Droid ✓ Windows Store ✓ Windows Phone Apps 8.1 ✓ Windows Phone SL 8.0 ✓ Windows Phon… 侵删 更新于:2015年6月20日 欲获得最新的Visual Studio 2017 RC文档,参考Visual Studio 2017 RC Documentation. 使用异步编程,你可以避免性能瓶颈和提升总体相应效率.然而,传统的异步方法代码的编写方式比较复杂,导致它很难编写,调试和维护. Visual Studio 2012引入了一个简单的异步编程的方法,依赖.NET Fram…
code&monkey   Ext JS学习第十六天 事件机制event(一) 此文用来记录学习笔记: 休息了好几天,从今天开始继续保持更新,鞭策自己学习 今天我们来说一说什么是事件,对于事件,相信你一定不陌生, 基本事件是什么?就类似于click.keypress.focus.mouseover等这些事件都是浏览器定义好的内置事件,我们直接使用即可.对于高级事件,无非就是自己去设计一个事件,就比如我们实际项目中,通常都伴随些业务逻辑,可能是曾删改查等...这些事件都是非原生事件,也就是浏览器无…
关于async,await,task的用法和解释这里就不要说明了,网上一查一大堆.至于为啥还要写这篇文章,主要是其他文章水分太多,不适合新手学习和理解.以下内容纯属个人理解,如果有误,请高手指正.本文只对以下这段代码包含的异步编程写法作说明: using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; namespace ConsoleTest { class Program { static void Main(str…
本文转载自MSDN 作者:Stephen Cleary 原文地址: 大多数有关 async/await 的在线资源假定您正在开发客户端应用程序,但在服务器上有 async 的位置吗?可以非常肯定地回答"有".本文是对 ASP.NET 上异步请求的概念性概述,并提供了对最佳在线资源的引用.我不打算介绍 async 或 await 的语法:因为我已经在一篇介绍性的博客文章 (bit…