ldap for ruby】的更多相关文章

Net::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), an IETF standard protocol for accessing distributed directory services. Net::LDAP is written completely in Ruby with no external…
1,安装net-ldap  addon ruby library for openldap…
preface:ldap 主要概念及术语 OpenNebula issues:missing step to use LDAP as default driver cp -r /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/default Standalone LDAP Daemon, slapd(standalone lightweight access protocol) Lightweight Directory Acces…
LDAP Authentication addon permits users to have the same credentials as in LDAP, so effectively centralizing authentication let any correctly authenticated LDAP user to use OpenNebula 1,prerequistries Addon requires the 'net/ldap' ruby library provid…
LDAP Authentication 3.2 The LDAP Authentication addon permits users to have the same credentials as in LDAP, so effectively centralizing authentication. Enabling it will let any correctly authenticated LDAP user to use OpenNebula. Prerequisites This…
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一. 核心类库: 二.标准类库: 文本 base64.rb 处理Base64编码的模块     csv.rb CSV(Comma Separated Values)库 ruby 1.8 特性     digest.so 消息摘要库 请参考[ruby-src:ext/digest/digest.txt.ja]     digest/md5.so     digest/rmd160.so     digest/sha1.so     digest/sha2.so     erb.rb 嵌入Ruby(…
CentOS7下源码方式安装gitlab 环境描述 操作系统: centos7 redis: >=2.8 mysql >=5.5.14 git >=2.7.4 架构设计 一台gitlab服务器 gitlab-master 一台gitlab数据备份 gitlab-backup 一台数据库主库 data-master 一台数据库从库 data-slave 升级yum源与安装依赖 ++所有的机器都需要的安装步骤++ 安装mysql+redis ++数据库服务器需要的安装步骤++ data-ma…
#ldap 安裝配置 环境Centos7#安装 yum install -y openldap openldap-clients openldap-servers migrationtools pam_ldap python-ldap# 关闭防火墙 systemctl stop firewalld.service#配置域名解析echo " domain.com" >> /etc/hosts#配置ldap服务 vim /etc/openldap/sl…
通过AD作为用户认证的数据源.整个管理用户认证逻辑就在LdapAuthenticationSource类中实现. LdapSettingProvider:定义LDAP的setting和提供DefautValue.主要提供配置访问AD数据库的账号信息. LdapSettings/ILdapSettings:通过settingManager获取LDAP settings AbpZeroLdapModuleConfig/IAbpZeroLdapModuleConfig: 提供激活Ldap认证的配置.…