Acknowledgments I would like to thank Jacob Kjome for reviewing early drafts of this document. His comments helped to clarify several important points. Jake also keeps reminding us on the log4j-dev mailing list that the child-parent delegation model…
Reproduce: Ctrl + H, Select "File Search", will encounter eclipse kinds of bug/error alert: problems encountered during text search Reason: It's because Ctrl + H by default will search disk files, and when the disk files get un-sync with eclipse…
Error The project was not built due to “Problems encountered while deleting resources.”. Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and rebuilding it since it may be inconsistent. learndiary 删除classes,刷新工程,重新编译.…
昨天做了一个Android的小程序,调试的时候连接真实的手机,而不是用模拟器.今天早上打开eclipse的时候报错:“Android SDK Content loader has encountered a problem” “parseSdkContent Failed ”.原先设置的模拟器也不见了.我想了想原因,不清楚为什么,但是感觉跟我昨天连接手机有关系,一些原来的模拟设置变了. 后来在网上查了下,处理如下: 1.将C:\Documents and Settings\Administrat…
1) Download the SDK platform for API 20 (4.4W) 2) Navigate to your sdk folder (should be like D:\EclipseWorkspace\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140321\sdk) 3) Go to platforms folder -> android-21 folder -> data folder 4) rename layoutlib.jar (for back…
The Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks, such as java.util.logging, logback and log4j. SLF4J allows the end-user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time. N…