multi-threaded copy command - robocopy】的更多相关文章

we can copy files by the powerful robocopy tool, and it allow copy using muliti-threaded as well. As Robocopy is generally a command-line only utility (although a GUI add-on is available for Robocopy), the new multi-threaded operation capability has…
:-1: Multiple commands produce '/Users/apple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Pic-frfhvoheijeiybfkgglgxywajidn/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/': 1) Target 'Pic' (project 'Pic') has copy command from '/Users/apple/Downloads/PictureS…
e.g. #cp –p –R  /opt/lampp/drv ~/test   Ubuntu_Linux命令:cp(copy)复制文件或目录 功能: 复制文件或目录  说明: cp指令用于复制文件或目录,如同时指定两个以上的文件或目录,且最后的目的地是一个已经存在的目录,则它会把前面指定的所有文件或目录复制到此目录中.若同时指定多个文件或目录,而最后的目的地并非一个已存在的目录,则会出现错误信息 参数:      -a 或 --archive     此参数的效果和…
bash copy multi files # copy one file $ cp file1.js /var/www/html # copy multi files ??? no space $ cp file1.js,file2.js /var/www/html # space error $ cp file1.js file2.js /var/www/html macOS zsh ??? $ cp file1.js file2.js folder $ cp /home/usr/dir/{…
Quote from: The xcopy command is a Command Prompt command used to copy one or more files and/or folders from one location to another location. The xcopy command is also a DOS comm…
[postgres@DELL-R720 bin]$ ./psql -p 6432psql (9.4.5)Type "help" for help. postgres=# postgres=# \h copyCommand: COPYDescription: copy data between a file and a tableSyntax:COPY table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] FROM { 'filename' | PROGRAM '…
使用copy实现long类型转移表空间,表空间的数据文件损坏,在转移该表空间相关表时,遇到让人郁闷的long类型.不能使用ctas和move来实现转移,最后通过古老的copy来实现该项工作. 1.模拟LONG类型表 SQL> create table chf.t_long (id number,name long) tablespace ts_oracleplus; Table created. SQL> insert into chf.t_long select object_id,obje…
Create an ssh key: ssh-keygen Copy an SSH key to a remoate server: ssh-copy-id root@ // username@ip address / hostname Then enter your password. To make sure you can SSH into remote server, you can do: ssh root@ Since ssh-co…
Since the Popuup control has it's separate visual tree, you cannot use find ancestor to find the Grid. The trick here is to use the PlacementTarget property, that contains the element, the ContextMenu is aligned to, what is the Grid in our case. But…
最近有需要对数据进行迁移的需求,由于postgres性能的关系,单表3000W的数据量查询起来有一些慢,需要对大表进行切割,拆成若干个子表,涉及到原有数据要迁移到子表的需求.起初的想法是使用存储过程,使用select insert方式进行,但是数据量大的时候耗时有点久,于是需要想别的办法,就发现了postgres本身支持的copy命令. copy命令 COPY在PostgreSQL表和文件之间交换数据. COPY TO把一个表的所有内容都拷贝到一个文件,而COPY FROM从一个文件里拷贝数据到…