1.自建barcode: se73->System bar code->change->create->new input the name of the bar code you want,and the short text about this bar code.Then select the code 128 witch was supported by symbologies->normal Alignment,Then you can set the width…
设置 Microsoft Excel 准确按照一页的宽度和高度打印 Sheet1. VBA复制 With Worksheets("Sheet1").PageSetup .Zoom = False .FitToPagesTall = 1 .FitToPagesWide = 1 End With 本示例设置 Microsoft Excel 准确按照一页的宽度和高度打印 Sheet1. VBA复制 With Worksheets("Sheet1").PageSe…
本文转自:http://www.bofocus.com/formatting-the-detail-section-to-display-multiple-columns/ Format the details section to display in multiple columns: 1. Right-click on the Details section, to open the Section Expert dialog box. 2. On the Sections list, c…