SDUT 2408:Pick apples】的更多相关文章

Pick apples Time Limit: 1000MS Memory limit: 165536K 题目描述 Once ago, there is a mystery yard which only produces three kinds of apples. The number of each kind is infinite. A girl carrying a big bag comes into the yard. She is so surprised because she…
Pick apples Time Limit: 1000MS Memory limit: 165536K 题目描述 Once ago, there is a mystery yard which only produces three kinds of apples. The number of each kind is infinite. A girl carrying a big bag comes into the yard. She is so surprised because she…
Pick apples Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 165536KB Submit Statistic Discuss Problem Description Once ago, there is a mystery yard which only produces three kinds of apples. The number of each kind is infinite. A girl carrying a big bag comes into…
Pick apples Time Limit: 1000MS Memory limit: 165536K 题目描写叙述 Once ago, there is a mystery yard which only produces three kinds of apples. The number of each kind is infinite. A girl carrying a big bag comes into the yard. She is so surprised because s…
题意:给你n个数,在里面取4个数,可以重复取数,使和不超过M,求能得到的最大的数是多少: 思路:比赛时,和之前的一个题目很像,一直以为是体积为4(最多选择四次)的完全背包,结果并不是,两两求和,然后二分枚举; 完全背包是固定的体积,然后尽量使得装下的重量最大: 这个题目是固定的体积,但求在不超过该重量的情况下能得到的最大值. 至于为啥不是完全背包到现在还找到一个反例,以后再修改: 不过看到一共选择四次的时候,就应该想到是暴力... 比较相似的一个题目,12年的省赛题目:…
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章.未经博主同意不得转载. 本文出自: 题意:三种苹果,每种都有相应的Size,Value,给你一个背包空间,求最大的价值. 本题目的关键就在于很大的背包空间 根据indicates the size (1 <= S<= 100) 我们能够考虑在1000000(100^3)之外的空间放性价比最高的苹果.…
Solved ID PID Title Accepted Submit   A 2407 Impasse (+) 0 0   B 2415 Chess 0 0   C 2414 An interesting game 0 1   D 2413 n a^o7 ! 25 41   E 2412 Fruit Ninja I 0 2   F 2411 Pixel density 8 100   G 2410 Mine Number 0 0   H 2409 The Best Seat in ACM Co…
题意大概就是有n框苹果放在长度为L的环上,每框有ai个苹果.你有一个容量为k的框.要你从0点处出发,随意走.框满了就回到0点把苹果放在那里.继续走直到把苹果都拿完为止.问你最少要走多少路程. 首先贪心的策略,无论往哪边走,碰到苹果就拿,拿满就滚回去. 然后碰到走一个半圈,框还剩下容量的情况,就须要dp了.主要是L为偶数的时候,若L/2的位置有苹果,该算是哪个半圈拿比較好呢? 当然也能够继续贪心,然而太麻烦了.直接dp. 而且由此贪心能够知道若存在须要走一圈的情况.肯定最多走一次一圈. 我们把苹果…
Problem B. Harvest of Apples Time Limit: / MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: / K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): Accepted Submission(s): Problem Description There are n apples on a tree, numbered to n. Count the number of ways to pick at most m apple…
Problem Description There are n apples on a tree, numbered from 1 to n.Count the number of ways to pick at most m apples.   Input The first line of the input contains an integer T (1≤T≤105) denoting the number of test cases.Each test case consists of…