the behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout is not defined because:    the item height must be less than the height of the UICollectionView minus the section insets top and bottom values, minus the content insets top and bottom values.   The relev…
2015-01-28 21:55:17.790 Demo[636:9351] the behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout is notdefined because: 2015-01-28 21:55:17.791 Demo[636:9351]the item height must be less than the height of the UICollectionView minus thesection insets top and bo…
问题一: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -vto see invocation) 原因:导入了.m的头文件,导致同时有两个一样的.m文件在编译 问题二: Xcode真机测试报错:Could not launch... 解决方案一:1.删除/Users/(用户名)/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/(对应APP程序)文件夹 2.拔掉手机,删除对应的APP程序,完全退出Xcode工具 3.重新连接手机进行…
前言: 本文仅作参考存留,请用新版封装:iOS 更加优雅便捷的UIAlertView/UIAlertController封装使用 UIAlertController是iOS8.0之后出来的新方法,其将系统原先的UIAlertView和UIActionSheet进行了规范整合.iOS9.0之后,UIAlertView和UIActionSheet已经不建议使用,但还未彻底废弃.alert提示窗可以算得上是十分常用的UI控件了,基于上述情况,考虑到版本兼容,笔者将上述控件进行了简单的整合封装.封装之后…
New Features, Feature Enhancements and Behavior ChangesSubforms – Behavior Change for Unsupported Task ModeStarting with this version, if an Online task that is running in a Subform control cannot be executed, the task and the host task will remain o…
previous: [工作记录] Android OpenGL ES 2.0: square texture not supported on some device recently I found that it is the mipmap of a non-square texture that cause the black texture problem:…
简述 CoordinatorLayout字面意思是"协调器布局",它是Design Support Library中提供的一个超级帧布局,帮助我们实现Material Design中各种复杂的动作响应和子控件间交互.我认为它是这个库中最难的一个新视图,也是可定制化潜力最大的,应该可以用较统一的方式实现很多旧的开源控件的效果. 索引 1.参考资料 2.学习摘要 2.1 Android Developers Blog: Android Design Support Library摘要 2.…
DevExtreme Complete Subscription是性能最优的 HTML5,CSS 和 JavaScript 移动.Web开发框架,可以直接在Visual Studio集成开发环境,构建iOS,Android,Tizen和Windows Phone 8应用程序.DevExtreme包含 PhoneJS 和 ChartJS 两个原生UI组件,并且提供源代码.目前,DevExtreme支持VS2010/2012/2013集成开发环境,兼容Android 4+.iOS5+.Windows…
Serial Wire Debug interface The Serial Wire Debug protocol operates with a synchronous serial interface. This uses a single bidirectional data signal, and a clock signal. This section gives an overview of the physical Serial Wire Debug interface. Lin…
每一个JC语法节点都含有type属性,因为做为所有JC语法节点的父节点JCTree含有type属性.其继承关系如下图. 下面看一下Type类的定义及重要的属性. public class Type implements PrimitiveType { /** The tag of this type. * * @see TypeTags */ public int tag; /** The defining class / interface / package / type variable…