陆续更新一些最近在Automotive Security方面的资料和心得. 1. Overview 1.1. Software Engineering Process PLC-Phases: Introduction -> Concept Refinement -> Development -> Industrialization -> Product Validation -> Production Ramp-Up对应的SW-Phase: Introduction ->…
1. Security Goal - Confidentiality - Integrity - Availability - Authenticity - Non-repudiation - Authorisation - Accounting 2. Cryptography 非常大的topic,,,网络上很多资料.推荐几本好书. Understanding Cryptography, Christof Paar Security Engineering for Vehicular IT Sy…
1. Introduction - 保护软件的安全性措施,作为值得信赖的安全锚,- 安全地生成,存储和处理安全性关键材料屏蔽任何潜在的恶意软件,?- 通过运用有效的限制硬件篡改攻击的可能性篡改保护措施,?- 加快保障措施,通过应用专门的加密硬件,- 通过应用高度优化的专用电路,而不是昂贵的通用硬件减少对大批量的安保费用. 1.2. 对比 2. Architecture 2.1. Hardware Security Building Blocks §Asymmetric crypto engine…
1. 密码模块[1] 密码模块在Services Layer Configurable and common access to 密码子程序 硬件支持密码模块 2. 应用 应用和密码子程序分离 Crypt Module作为interface,调用各种基础密码子程序 References: 1. S. Bunzel, S. Furst, J. Wagenhuber, and F. Stappert, “Safety and security related features in autosar,…
1. Introduction 1.1 "Customers own their data and we can be no more than the trsted stewards of that data". Ford CEO, Mark Fields, 2015 U.S. government affairs February 2015, Senators Markey and Blumenthal. “cyber dashboard”. Link. 1.2. 隐私和数据保护…
通常一辆汽车会包括超过80个ECUs.所有软件代码大小正在快速增加,将会超过1GB.软件protection是必不可少的. 1. 软件保护 1.1. 安全boot Software violating the integrity cannot be loaded. 目标:Integrity and authenticity of the firmware and OS 解决方案:hash value, digital signatures, physical protection Root of…
1. Overview 1.1. Secure Hardware Extension (SHE) 基本结构:ECU里面有一块单独的Secure Zone.Secure Zone里面是SHE模块.SHE包含Control Logic, AES,PRNG, Memory.SHE模块和CPU通讯. 功能: - Symmetric cryptography, AES-128 with ECB, CBC. - Secure key store - Secure boot loader - Anthetic…
1.1 Introduction AUTOSAR(汽车开放系统架构)是一个开放的,标准化的汽车软件架构,由汽车制造商,供应商和开发工具共同开发.它联合了汽车OEM ,供应商和开发工具供应商,其目标是创建并建立开放标准为汽车E / E(电子/电器)架构.它将为所有应用程序领域提供一个基本的基础设施以帮助开发汽车软件,用户界面​​和管理.这包括基本的系统功能的标准化,可扩展性,不同的车辆和平台的变种,转移性整个网络,整合来自多个供应商,可维护性在整个产品生命周期和软件的更新和升级在车辆的生命周期.[…
Security Security is the enemy of convenience, and vice versa. This statement is true for any system, virtual or real, from the physical house entrance to web banking platforms. Engineers are constantly trying to find the right balance for the given…
6.1 Introduction Namespace configuration has been available since version 2.0 of the Spring Framework. It allows you to supplement the traditional Spring beans application context syntax with elements from additional XML schema. You can find more inf…