解决步骤 brew install mysql brew unlink mysql brew install mysql-connector-c sed -i -e /bin/mysql_config //后面的路径就是你 mysql 的安装路径,这个尤为重要,就是路径问题报错的 pip install MySQL-python brew unlink mysql-connector-c brew link --overwrite mysql 来源:https://stackoverflow.c…
Issue I encountered an error when I run the python script which need to import the module of "MySQLdb".The error shows like this: [root@docker1 script]# python Xtrabackup.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "backup.py"…
参考: How to install all the boost development libraries? 解决 Boost安装:fatal error: bzlib.h: No such file or directory 问题 在安装boost时,步骤./b2出现如下错误: gcc.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/iostreams/build/gcc-4.9.4/release/link-static/threading-multi/bzip2.o libs/iostr…
1.下载MySQL 到mysql的官网http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/然后在页面中会看到“MySQL Community Server”下方有一个“download”点击. mac的选择.dmg文件下载即可. 点击了“Download”,然后会跳转到另外一个界面,这个界面是提示你需不需要注册的,直接选择最下面的“No thanks,just take me to downloads!”,然后这才真正跳转到了下载的界面,这个界面列了很多的供下载的服务器,选…