Design and Implementation of a Routing Control Platform   0.Abstract 1.Introduction 2.Interoperating 3.RCP Architecture 4.RCP Architecture and Implementation 5.Evaluation 6.Conclusion 7.REFERENCES   EGP:外部网关协议 (Exterior Gateway Protocol)是一种在自治系统的相邻两个…
Out Of Control 说实话,当初买这本书起源于知乎诸位学问人的推荐,脑子一热就买了.为了不浪费这几十块钱,细致了看完了前三章,买来一看才发现原来这本书居然跟计算机有很深刻的关系.其实更准确地说,这本书是在探讨人类发展的命运. 由于英文水平不够,所以并没有直接买英文版的,买的是中文版,东西文库出版的.虽然整本书的封皮很简单朴素,但是纸质和内容,尤其是翻译的质量,相当之高!译者对于某些概念的理解也是很深刻的,总之,我的阅读体验很好.下面摘录一些书中“颇有玩味”的句子,以供将来回味(当然重读…
UNIX Filesystems - Evolution Design and Implementation.pdf…
Design and Implementation of Global Path Planning System for Unmanned Surface Vehicle among Multiple Task Points (针对多任务点的水面无人艇全局路径规划的设计和实现)   针对多任务点的全局路径规划,是指在存在静态障碍物的环境中,给定水面无人艇起始点.目标点以及多个任务点的情况下,设计从起始点出发,安全地遍历各个任务点,最终返回目标点的全局路径,要求行驶的航路代价总和最小.   本文主…
没想到Lua的作者理论水平这么高,这篇文章读的我顿生高屋建瓴之感.云风分享了一篇中译: 全篇的主题有4个:1.基于寄存器的虚拟机:2.用于将table作为数组使用的新算法:3.闭包的实现:4.以及协程.第二点我关注不多,会写的比较简略. 1 简介 简介主要就是说,我们搞Lua嘛,就是一个实验室出来的产品,没想到今天在工业界特别是游戏界红得发紫,…
笔记人:又吹风 时 间:2012/12/16 主要内容:Microsoft Speech Platform的环境要求与安装过程. 上次也说过了,当前Microsoft Speech Platform最新版本为11,因为该版本缺少相关文件,经常出现莫名其妙的错误,且不能用旧版本的文件替换,所以,下面讲述的是Microsoft Speech Platform10.2. 1.      Microsoft Speech Platform的环境要求 以下操作系统可以使用Microsoft Speech…
Central Control Over Distributed Routing 0.ABSTRACT1.Introduction2.Flexible Fibbing3.Augmenting Topology4.Implementation5.Reaction to Failures6.Frequently Asked Questions7.Related Work8.Conclusion 0.ABSTRACT中心路由选择虽然提升了灵活性,但是牺牲了分布式协议的健壮性.这篇文章提出了Fibbin…
Introduction The network file system(NFS) is a client/service application that provides shared file storage for clients across a network. An NFS client grafts a remote file system onto the client's local file system name space and makes it behave lik… Cloud Design Patterns: Prescriptive Architecture Guidance for Cloud Applications…
Motivation I/O access, for the most case, is a time-consuming process, making the TPS for single operator much lower than in-memory computing, particularly for streaming job, when low latency is a big concern for users. Starting multiple threads may…
这篇随笔讲讲路由功能,主要内容在项目Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing中,可以在GitHub上找到,Routing项目地址. 路由功能是大家都很熟悉的功能,使用起来也十分简单,从使用的角度来说可讲的东西不多.不过阅读源码的过程的是个学习的过程,看看顶尖Coder怎么组织代码也是在提升自己. 我们知道现在ASP.NET Core中所有用到的功能都是服务,那么Routing服务是什么时候被添加到依赖注入容器的呢?答案是在StartUp类的ConfigureServices方法中…
原文: Natarajan, Prabhu, Pradeep K. Atrey, and Mohan Kankanhalli. "Multi-camera coordination and control in surveillance systems: A survey." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) 11.4 (2015): 57. 这篇论文主要调…
6 线程和协程 读完这篇文章我才意识到python的协程到底缺了什么,这个就是coroutine和semi-coroutine的区别了.区别就是,semi-coroutine只能返回(yield)到调用者所在位置,不能将控制权交到任意其他协程上去.具有这个特征的,都是semi-coroutine. Lua实现协程的时候,充分利用了其C栈和Lua栈.进行协程调用的时候,解释器会在C栈上会进行一次递归调用,然后协程自身的栈在新建立的Lua栈里消长.当一个协程结束的时候,解释器会退出,返回调用者(即上…
作者:刘旭晖 Raymond 转载请注明出处 Email:colorant at BLOG: 更多论文阅读笔记 == 目标问题 == 为了提高资源的利用率以及满足不同应用的需求,在同一集群内会部署各种不同的分布式运算框架(cluster computing framework),他们有着各自的调度逻辑. Mesos…
3. 什么是SDN?(WHAT IS SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING?) The term SDN was originally coined to represent the ideas and work around OpenFlow at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA [24]. As originally defined, SDN refers to a network architecture where the…
Control of Packet-switch Network 我们已经讨论过中心控制网络的原理,但主要是以电话网络做模型的.现在我们来看看对于分组交换网络的控制是如何改进的. Why Separate Control? 以前一直反复提到的"数据平面与控制平面分离"."转发与控制分离",那这么做的原因是为什么? (老生常谈) More rapid innovation. 控制逻辑与硬件不再是直接紧密联系在一起的,这有利于加速创新. Network-wide vie…
原文地址: Background Domain Driven Design (DDD) is about mapping business domain concepts into software artifacts. Most of the writings and articles on this topic have been based on Eric Evans' book "Domain Dr…
目录 . the most common problem areas in cloud application development ) Availability ) Data Management ) Design and Implementation ) Management and Monitoring ) Messaging ) Performance and Scalability ) Resiliency ) Security 1. the most common problem…
笔记前言: <Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface>,中文译名,<计算机组成与设计:硬件/软件接口>,是计算机组成原理的经典入门教材之一.节奏紧凑又不紧张,内容充实又不冗长,语言表述朴实易懂又不故作高深,是一本非常适合初次接触计算机组成原理的学生阅读的入门教材. 读书笔记系列博客是主要是记录我学习和阅读中的心得和体会.既然是读书笔记,肯定不会面面俱到,那就成了抄书笔记了.所有笔记系列博客力…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION A conventional virtual-machine monitor (VMM) typically runs on a computer and presents to other software the abstraction of one or more virtual machines. Each virtual machine may function as a self-contained platform, runn…
1. INTRODUCTION   The main goal of the National Computer Security Center is to encourage the widespread availability of trusted computer systems. In support of that goal a metric was created, the Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluati…
In one embodiment, a computing device (e.g., border router or network management server) transmits a discovery message into a computer network, such as in response to a given trigger. In response to the discovery message, the device receives a unicas…
Cloud Design Patterns Categories Data Management Design and Implementation Messaging Patterns Ambassador Anti-Corruption Layer Asynchronous Request-Reply Backends for Frontends Bulkhead Cache-Aside Choreography Circuit Breaker Claim Check Compensatin…
原作者: Tutorial: WPF User Control for AX2012 RATE THIS MARTIN DRÁB  6 OCT 2011 11:27 AM  0 One of many new features in Dynamics AX 2012 which bring… MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016 AT 8:56AM This is a guest post by Benjamin Manes, who did engineery things for Google and is now doing engineery things for a new load documentation star…
Design your implementation of the circular queue. The circular queue is a linear data structure in which the operations are performed based on FIFO (First In First Out) principle and the last position is connected back to the first position to make a…
Design your implementation of the circular double-ended queue (deque). Your implementation should support following operations: MyCircularDeque(k): Constructor, set the size of the deque to be k. insertFront(): Adds an item at the front of Deque. Ret…
Design your implementation of the linked list. You can choose to use the singly linked list or the doubly linked list. A node in a singly linked list should have two attributes: val and next. valis the value of the current node, and next is a pointer…
Design your implementation of the linked list. You can choose to use the singly linked list or the doubly linked list. A node in a singly linked list should have two attributes: val and next. val is the value of the current node, and next is a pointe…
Design your implementation of the circular double-ended queue (deque). Your implementation should support following operations: MyCircularDeque(k): Constructor, set the size of the deque to be k. insertFront(): Adds an item at the front of Deque. Ret…