Pre-11gR2: "crsctl check crs" command hangs at EVMD check (文档 ID 1578875.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.2 to 11.1] Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS…
转自: Starting Oracle Universal Installer... Checking Temp space: must be greater than MB. Actual MB Passed Checking swap space: must be greater than MB. Actual MB Passed Checking monitor: must be co…
问题描述: 在Linux + oracle 安装时,采有root 帐号登录x-windows 界面,然后 $su oracle 登录录安装Oracle 报以下错误: >>> Could not execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set.Some requirement checks failed. You must…
Here I share with you a demo for python map, reduce and filter functional programming thatowned by me(Xiaoqiang). I assume there are two DB tables, that `file_logs` and `expanded_attrs` which records more columns to expand table `file_logs`. For demo…
今天把项目代码上传到svn后出现例如以下错误:The declared package "com.dao" does not match the expected package "" 解决方式是:选中项目右击选择 Build Path --> 选择 Configure Build Path -->选择"Source"标签,把"项目Name"改为"项目Name/src".问…
从1到N VS 从0到1 - 别让自己的小鸡鸡抓在别人的手上 近几年国内互联网创业上非常流行一种C2C(也就是Copy to China - 复制到中国)的创业模式,打的就是一个时间差和地域差.将在国外的如硅谷等已有的创新复制到中国来实现,然后由于"中国特色"的各种保护情况,非常多人居然都做成功了. 小的抄袭多如牛毛,大的抄袭也屡见不鲜.如腾讯qq起家抄袭的就是OICQ,据说微信也不是先行者.而是拷贝What's up (请看本人另外一篇文章<怎样为你的初创应用App开发公司建立…
在真机上測试时用一会就出现例如以下信息,且应用挂掉. Restore the connection to ""XXX"的 iPod" and run "XXX" again, or if "XXX" is still running, you can attach to it by selecting Debug > Attach to Process > XXX. 这是由于应用程序突然消耗了大量内存,然后再分配调…
菜鸟nginx源代码剖析 配置与部署篇(一) 手把手配置nginx "I love you" Author:Echo Chen(陈斌) Date:Nov 7th, 2014 还记得在前几年的CSDN泄漏账号事件中.统计发现程序猿的账号中含有love的最多,这里我也俗套下.在这篇文章中将解说怎样 一步一步有用Nginx在一台机器上搭建一个最简单的显示"I…