Using a PN-junction diode for temperature measurement usually depends on its 2‑mV/K temperature  coefficient. Conventionally, you must amplify and digitize this voltage with an ADC before you can use the value in a microcontroller. Less well-known is…
Driving proportional valves from microcontroller I am looking to drive a current regulated proportional (solenoid) valve that needs up to 85mA @ 24V from a microcontroller. So far I found this circuit that looks pretty straightforward: What are other…
形象解释PID算法 小明接到这样一个任务: 有一个水缸点漏水(而且漏水的速度还不一定固定不变),要求水面高度维持在某个位置,一旦发现水面高度低于要求位置,就要往水缸里加水. 小明接到任务后就一直守在水缸旁边,时间长就觉得无聊,就跑到房里看小说了,每30分钟来检查一次水面高度.水漏得太快,每次小明来检查时,水都快漏完了,离要求的高度相差很远,小明改为每3分钟来检查一次,结果每次来水都没怎么漏,不需要加水,来得太频繁做的是无用功.几次试验后,确定每10分钟来检查一次.这个检查时间就称为采样周期. 开…
转自: Sensors 2012, 12(9), 11734-11753; doi:10.3390/s120911734 Article Overview and Evaluation of Bluetooth Low Energy: An Emerging Low-Power Wireless Technology Carles Gomez 1,*, Joaquim Oller 2 and Josep Pa…
Sound card based RFID sniffer/emulator (Too tired after to do draw the schematics better than that :) Stay tuned for the next version including Tag emulation.) baudline FFT signal analyzer for sniffing LF RFID tags using our sound card based… Architecture of Device I/O Drivers Many embedded systems developers will tell you that writing a device driver consists of a lot of "bit-bashing and register-twiddling" to convince some ornery unit…
Table of Contents Practical Process Control Proven Methods and Best Practices for Automatic PID Control I. Modern Control is Based on Process Dynamic Behavior (by Doug Cooper) 1) Fundamental Principles of Process Control Motivation and Terminology of…
The   Danfoss Motor     states that the motor sensor control system is the heart of the entire automotive sensor. It has many types, temperature sensors, pressure sensors, position and speed sensors, flow sensors, oxygen sensors and knock sensors. Th…
/*************************************************************************** * bq27441-G1 工作机制 * 声明: * 本文主要是记录分析bq27441-G1芯片是如何工作的,以及其中的一些参数是 * 如何进行配置的. * * 2016-2-19 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 **********************************************************************…
MPU-60X0 对陀螺仪和加速度计分别用了三个16 位的ADC,将其测量的模拟量转化 为可输出的数字量.为了精确跟踪快速和慢速的运动,传感器的测量范围都是用户可控的,陀螺仪可测范围为±250,±500,±1000,±2000°/秒(dps),加速度计可测范围为±2,±4,±8,±16g. 在网上找了一会,好像MPU-6050没有中文的数据手册,由于本人也处于学习阶段,翻译的可能不太准确,只能表达一下简单的意思,以官方数据手册为准. 引脚说明: VDD 供电电压为2.5V±5%.3.0V±5%.… mavlink协议介绍 消息简介 MAVLink简介 Mavlink协议最早由 苏黎世联邦理工学院 计算机视觉与几何实验组 的 Lorenz Meier于2009年发布,并遵循LGPL开源协议.Mavlink协议是在串口通讯基础上的一种更高层的开源通讯协议,主要应用在微型飞行器(micro aerial vehicle)的通讯上.Mavlink是为小型飞… Battery usage information is derived from battery usage statistics and power profile values. Battery Usage Statistics Battery usage statistics are tracked by the framework. This involves keeping track…
Many electronic devices require user input for setting the application properties. Typical input devices include pushbuttons, potentiometers, and touchscreens. To minimize overall project cost, you may have to select low-range microcontrollers, FPGAs…
bmp180的简介: • 压力范围:~1100hPa(海拔 米~- 米) • 电源电压:.8V~.6V(VDDA), .62V~.6V(VDDD) • 尺寸:.6mmx3.8x0.93mm • 低功耗:5μA,在标准模式 • 高精度:低功耗模式下,分辨率为 .06hPa(0.5 米) • 高线性模式下,分辨率为 .03hPa(0.25 米) • 含温度输出 • I2C 接口 • 温度补偿 • MSL 反应时间:.5ms • 待机电流:.1μA 可以同时获得所处环境的温度和气压,甚至还可以通过气压… In many applications, a DC/DC Converter is used to produce a regulated voltage or current, derived from an unregulated power supply, or from a battery. Ex…
1.从OrCAD PSpice help文档: 2.国外网站的相关介绍: The DC characteristics of the diode are determined by the parameters IS, N, and the ohmic resistance RS. Charge storage effects are modeled by a transit time, TT, and a nonlinear depletion layer capacitance which…
Sensors automate most of the processes in industry. Most of these sensors, such as those for ammonia gas, temperature, and the like, are resistive devices in which electrical resistance changes—mostly nonlinearly—as the surrounding conditions change.…
开启阅读模式 WATERHAMMER A COMPLEX PHENOMENON WITH A SIMPLE SOLUTION Waterhammer is an impact load that is the most misunderstood force known to pressure transducers today. A waterhammer is created by stopping and/or starting a liquid flow suddenly. The re…
之前有关卡尔曼滤波的例子都比较简单,只能用于简单的理解卡尔曼滤波的基本步骤.现在让我们来看看卡尔曼滤波在实际中到底能做些什么吧.这里有一个使用卡尔曼滤波在窗口内跟踪鼠标移动的例子,原作者主页: 首先,第一步是选取状态变量,这里选择系统状态变量为x=[x, y]T ,即状态变量选为鼠标在窗口内的位置.通过鼠标事件响应的回调函数可以获得鼠标当前位置,即观测值z = [x, y]T.对于这一问题外界控制量u=0. 观测噪声和系统噪声的选择需要靠实验…
2276: [Poi2011]Temperature Time Limit: 20 Sec  Memory Limit: 32 MBSubmit: 293  Solved: 117[Submit][Status] Description The Byteotian Institute of Meteorology (BIM) measures the air temperature daily. The measurement is done automatically, and its res…
AN2820 Driving bipolar stepper motors using a medium-density STM32F103xx microcontroller Introduction This application note describes how to achieve compact size, high speed and low cost with less resources when driving bipolar stepper motors using t…
原文出自 While laying out a PCB for my SWP reader project I realized that I haven’t ever tested the ISO-7816 (aka contact) interface yet. I probably forgot that because it’s not all that difficult and not that interesting,… Many embedded-microcontroller applications require generation of analog signals. An integrated or stand-alone DAC fills the role. However, you can often use PWM si…
NSDI '13 概要 OpenSketch是一个通用的.抽象的测量框架, 与SDN 网络架构类似, OpenSketch 提出将测量控制层和数据层解耦. 数据层运行设为可动态配置的3阶段流水线, 首先对数据流进行Hash运算以减少需要测量的数据量; 其次在分类阶段, 通过定制并匹配通配符规则实现对流量的分类; 最后在流量计数阶段, 根据不同精度需求, 每个流对应一个或多个计数器以实现流信息统计.整合和回溯. 文章中还提到, 通过灵活地组合Hash运算.分类和计数功能实现对不同sketch 方法…
Recently I built plug-ins support to my TemperatureStation IoT solution web site. The code for .NET Core is different from what we have seen on full .NET Framework (application domains etc) but there’s still nothing complex. This blog post describes…
Boost converters, like other switchers, have traditionally received their control signals from a dedicated circuit. However, a recent trend is to integrate simple switching-power-supply building blocks into generic devices, such as microcontrollers.…
The schematic in Figure 1 shows a way to increase the power available from a current-limited 5V supply by adding power from a –5V supply. The dc/dc converter generates a single 12V, 150-mA (1.8W) output from two regulated and current-limited input so…
Batteries are the typical power sources for portable-system applications, and it is not unusual these days to find microcontroller-based portable systems. A variety of microcontrollers operates at low power-supply voltages, such as 1.8V. Thus you can…
Low-cost, 8-bit, single-chip microcontrollers are stingy when it comes to on-chip PWM (pulse-width-modulation) resources. The use of a PWM resource often forces a designer to sacrifice a capture/compare or timer channel because the PWM channel shares…
Few microcontrollers include a DAC. Although you can easily find an inexpensive DAC to control from your microcontroller, you can use unused peripherals instead of adding parts. Fortunately, you can convert a microcontroller's ADC channel along with…