今天在看一个开源Demo代码的时候,需要执行pod install命令,直接报错如下: 解决方法: 执行:pod update 命令更新资源库即可.…
安装好coreseek,开启了服务之后,通过 sphinx php扩展去请求数据,提示:client version is higher than daemon version (client is v.1.3, daemon is v.1.22) 意思是客户端和服务端的版本不一致. 原来在安装php  sphinx扩展时,需要指定coreseek源码中的 libsphinxclient 这个依赖包,所以在安装时需要指定一下路径: ./configure --with-php-config=/u…
问题描述   首先,这是一个提示信息而不是报错,并不影响 Tomcat 的使用.它是建议你使用一个 Tomcat 的性能调优原生库文件 tcnative-1.dll   几天前,我想尝试一下 Apache Tomcat 8.0 以上的版本,结果在 Eclipse 中配置 Server 时它就报错了:The Apache Tomcat installation at this directory is version 8.5.40. A Tomcat 8.0 installation is exp…
问题: SEVERE: An incompatible version 1.1.27 of the APR based Apache Tomcat Native library is installed, while Tomcat requires version 1.1.32 解决方法: http://tomcat.apache.org/ >https://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/native/ >https://ar…
1.错误信息提示: 2019-04-16 22:02:05.811 ERROR 18112 --- [           main] o.a.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener   : An incompatible version [1.2.7] of the APR based Apache Tomcat Native library is installed, while Tomcat requires version [1.2.14] 2019-04-…
Caused by: MetaException(message:Hive Schema version 2.1.0 does not match metastore's schema version 1.2.0 Metastore is not upgraded or corrupt) [Dev root @ sd-9c1f-2eac /usr/local/src/apache-hive-2.1.1-bin/scripts/metastore/upgrade/mysql]# ls001-HIV…
1.构建一个简单springboot工程,日志打印报错内容如下: 15:38:28.673 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.boot.devtools.settings.DevToolsSettings - Included patterns for restart : [] 15:38:28.675 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.boot.devtools.settings.DevToolsSettings - Exclud…
1.错误 An incompatible version [1.1.32] of the APR based Apache Tomcat Native library is installed, while Tomcat requires version [1.2.14] 2.解决: http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/native/ 在网址下载所需要的版本,一般在  binaries/ 文件夹下的  tomcat-na…
编译的时候,遇到了一些问题:Source object main.o has EABI version 0, but target ../../../bin/ad has EABI version 5 其实这个问题很简单,只是自己忽略了而已.这是因为更换编译器后,未进行清除才导致的.即:执行make clean 后,再make,就可编译成功了!…