Octave是一个旨在提供与Matlab语法兼容的开放源代码科学计算及数值分析的工具,是Matlab商业软件的一个强有力的竞争产品. 参考:[ML:Octave Installation] General Installation files for all platforms are available at the GNU Octave Repository on SourceForge. The Gnu Octave Wiki has installation instructions f…
1. Installer Download octave4.0 gnuplot 5.0.4 2. Installation (1) Octave 安装Octave时提示发现系统装有Win8,继续安装可能导致启动失败.选择继续安装. support页面 documentation how to install Octave Forge Packages Start Octave and then open the build_packages.m file found in the src fo…
在coursera看机器学习课程的时候用到Octave来做数据处理,但是装了之后用plot画图时就会报错: set terminal aqua enhanced title "Figure 1" size 560 420 font "*,6" dashlength 1 ^ line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list 在plot之前需要一句setenv(…
Machine Learning – Coursera Octave for Microsoft Windows GNU Octave官网 GNU Octave帮助文档 (有900页的pdf版本) Octave 4.0.0 安装 win7(文库) Octave学习笔记(文库) octave入门(文库) WIN7 64位系统安装JDK并配置环境变量(总是显示没有安装Java) MathWorks This week we're covering linear regression with mul…