原文链接 Preface There are many awesome and powerful distributed NoSQL in the world, like Couchbase, MongoDB, Canssandra, etc. but developing a new one is still a challengeable, interesting and attractive thing for me, why? It can satisfy our special nee…
The name "etcd" originated from two ideas, the unix "/etc" folder and "d"istributed systems. The "/etc" folder is a place to store configuration data for a single system whereas etcd stores configuration information…
greenplum属于分布式的数据库,MPP+Share nothing的体系,查询的效率很快.不过,这是建立在数据分散均匀的基础上的.如果DK值设置不合理的话,完全有可能出现所有数据落在单个节点上的情况,这就体现不出优势来.因此,DK值的设置是否合适是建表的时候,需要考虑的重要因素之一. 查看表(table_name)的数据在节点的分布情况: select gp_segment_id,count(*) from table_name group by gp_segment_id; 如果数据有严…
https://www.interviewbit.com/problems/design-cache/ Features: This is the first part of any system design interview, coming up with the features which the system should support. As an interviewee, you should try to list down all the features you can…
官网:https://opentracing.io/docs/best-practices/ Best Practices This page aims to illustrate common use cases that developers who instrument their applications and libraries with OpenTracing API need to deal with. Stepping Back: Who is OpenTracing for?…
这个资料关于分布式系统资料,作者写的太好了.拿过来以备用 网址:https://github.com/ty4z2008/Qix/blob/master/ds.md 希望转载的朋友,你可以不用联系我.但是一定要保留原文链接,因为这个项目还在继续也在不定期更新.希望看到文章的朋友能够学到更多. <Reconfigurable Distributed Storage for Dynamic Networks> 介绍:这是一篇介绍在动态网络里面实现分布式系统重构的paper.论文的作者(导师)是MIT…
作者:廖君链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/19868791/answer/88873783来源:知乎 分布式系统(Distributed System)资料 <Reconfigurable Distributed Storage for Dynamic Networks> 介绍:这是一篇介绍在动态网络里面实现分布式系统重构的paper.论文的作者(导师)是MIT读博的时候是做分布式系统的研究的,现在在NUS带学生,不仅仅是分布式系统,还有无线网络.如果感兴趣…
作者:廖君链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/19868791/answer/88873783来源:知乎 分布式系统(Distributed System)资料 <Reconfigurable Distributed Storage for Dynamic Networks> 介绍:这是一篇介绍在动态网络里面实现分布式系统重构的paper.论文的作者(导师)是MIT读博的时候是做分布式系统的研究的,现在在NUS带学生,不仅仅是分布式系统,还有无线网络.如果感兴趣…
Apache .NET Ant Library This is a library of Ant tasks that help developing .NET software. It includes the “old” .NET tasks like a C# compiler task but also comes with support for NUnit testing or running the popular NAnt or MSBuild build tools. Supp…
Awesome Big Data A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, resources and other awesomeness. Inspired byawesome-php, awesome-python, awesome-ruby, hadoopecosystemtable & big-data. Your contributions are always welcome! Awesome Big Data Frameworks…