1.问题描述: 从git上checkout了别人的一个工程文件,选择team时,Xcode显示如下问题 Your development team, "xxx.xxx.xxx", does not support the Push Notifications capability. 最后解决方法如下: .找到工程文件中xxx.entitlements文件,在vim中打开 .删除.entitlements文件中的<key>aps-environment</key>…
问题: Your development team, "", does not support the Push Notifications capability. 解决方法: 1.找到工程文件中xxx.entitlements文件 2.删除.entitlements文件中的aps-environment,运行即可.…
Send Push Notifications to iOS Devices using Xcode 8 and Swift 3 OCT 6, 2016 Push notifications are a great way to ensure your users re-engage with your app every once in a while, but implementing them on iOS can be challenging, especially with all o…
Signing for "XXXXXX" requires selecting either a development team or a provisioning profile. Select a development team or a provisioning profile in the project editor. 签署“XXXXX”需要选择开发团队或提供配置文件.在项目编辑器中选择开发团队或配置文件配置文件. 解决办法:…
问题:网上下载运行demo,出现Failed to create provisioning profile.cannot be registered to your development team此问题 原因:因为是别人的项目,所以Bundle ID已经被注册使用了,所以我们这就用不了了 解决方法:自己随便把Bundle ID改成一个不同的(比如后缀加上1023),就可以通过审核了 Bundle ID位置:点击项目名称---点击info----第三个就是Bundle ID…
[iOS]Signing for requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor. Code 报错信息:Signing for "demo1_greating" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor. Code signing is required for prod…
升级xcode到8版本以后,工程文件会出现以下提示 解决办法就是,点击Team,添加自己的appid,然后选择自己的appid即可, 注意: 这里不需要开发者账号,自己的 apple id,就可以”:…
XCODE编译运行项目后,发现工程编译后无法运行,出现:"The selected destination does not support the architecture for which the selected software is built. Switch to a destination that supports that architecture in order to run the selected software." 错误. 首先,出现该问题一般是在${P…
Xcode 8.3.2 运行 GitHub 上下载的代码时报了这个错. 解决方法: 单击工程名 --> Signing --> Team --> 选择对应的Account(如果没有Account,需要主动创建一个) 如果这个不能解决问题,可以修改下 "Identity" 中的 "Bundle Identifier", 改为自己 Xcode 对应账号的 Bundle Identifier. 参考: http://blog.csdn.net/liuch…
JUNE 6, 2014 / HHARTZ Working on projects where the technology is pre-determined, it's often difficult to be able to deep-dive into familiar waters. Recently, we have been working on a new service called Omi - and in that context I was able to use tw…