原文地址: http://ndever.net/articles/linux/install-openbox-ubuntu-1304-1310 openbox是我用过的轻量窗口中最好用的了. Step One -安装必要的包 需要安装下面的包. There's a myriad of other packages we could of used but these works for me: openbox - Window manager obmenu - Openbox GUI menu…
What’s new in Sun/Oracle Java 7 VM Compressed 64-bit object pointers Garbage-First GC (G1) JSR 292: VM support for non-Java languages (InvokeDynamic) Lang JSR 294: Language and VM support for modular programming JSR 308: Annotations on Java types JSR…
1. 下载 选择Linux Tab,选择下载免费的Community Edition[1].当前版本是3.4 2. 安装PyCharm 按照官网给出的安装指导[2]进行安装. (1) Copy the pycharm-*.tar.gz to the desired installation location (make sure you have rw permissions for that directory) $ cd Downloads/ (2)Unpack the pycharm-*.…