Overcoming Life's Obstacles - How a top oboist overcame a neurological disorder to play again ©Advanced Studio Classroom Vol: 2017 MARCH 3 What is your dream? be out of fear / because they don't want to get hurt Let's find out what happened to Alex K…
<Overcoming Life's Obstacles - How a top oboist overcame a neurological disorder to play again> ©Advanced Studio Classroom Vol: 2017 MARCH 3-4 Hosts: What is your dream? be out of fear / because they don't want to get hurt Let's find out what happen…
Becoming inspired - part 2 @ Advanced Studio Classroom Vol: 2017 MARCH 25 7.Who was I like as a child? Let your inner child resurface in your thoughts. Look at a childhood photo of yourself. If you're truly to this person, what would you be doing to…
Becoming inspired - The 11 questions to ask yourself when you feel uninspired @ Advanced Studio Classroom Vol: 2017 MARCH 24 Maybe you're struggling to find out what it is you care most about. Be struggling to.. To find out + what it is you care most…
1.硬盘500G 厂商是按照1000计算的 500g=500*1000*1000/1024/1024=465g 2.jdk1.7可以表示二进制了 0b001(b大小写无所谓) 3.进制转换 4.原码,反码,补码…
1.下午14点50左右有同事反应epm等系统登录有问题.自测登录也是有同样的报错. 2.测试发现内部IP直接访问正常,但是访问f5的vip的方式访问不了.此时oa.邮件等系统也开始有同事发现故障. 3.登录f5后发现原主机状态变为disconnect,当前工作的是原备机.但是备机上的vs不全.导致邮件扫码登录.资金等系统故障.跟系统同事确认后紧急将一些重要站点在防火墙上的映射由vip改为后端服务器中的一台. 后由f5工程师协助将备份的原主机配置导入,但是导入后发现有些功能,如添加证书等不能使用.…
1寻找合适的元器件和替代料 你需要十分了解元器件的性能参数,如下图所示,所有的主要参数都在列表显示. 2如何在datasheet网找适合的元器件? a如果知道P/N,直接输入. b不知道p/n ,你就去系统先找同类的元器件,然后按图索骥. c别用中文的datasheet,你会后悔的.... d如下图,找到后,记得mark下来.关键参数,工程参数,包装参数,还有ROHS 和reach 报告, 这些细节,关系到后续采购能否买到料.  产品是否符合欧盟标准.和工程SMT上能否上料,贴装. 2英语邮件 …
具体事项 项目交接燃尽图 每人工作内容 成员 已完成的工作 计划完成的工作 工作中遇到的困难 游心 #10 搭建可用的开发测试环境:#9 阅读分析 PhyLab 后端代码与文档:#8 掌握 Laravel 框架:#5 掌握 LaTeX:#62 调试生成报告代码:#60 整理物理网站上的实验流程: 李煦通 #20 阅读分析 PhyLab 前端代码与文档:#19 掌握 Bootstrap:#17 掌握 CSS:#15 阅读分析 PhyLab 后端代码与文档 石奇川 #31 阅读分析 PhyLab 数…
C - March Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB Score : 300 points Problem Statement There are N people. The name of the i-th person is Si. We would like to choose three people so that the following conditions are met: The name of every chosen per…
传送门 想题5分钟调题两小时系列 其实还是我tcl 读完题之后自然会知道一个关键点能够更新的点是一段连续的区间,于是我们对于每个点能到的左右区间二分答案,用ststst表维护一下查询即可. 代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ri register int using namespace std; inline int read(){ int ans=0; char ch=getchar(); while(!isdigit(ch))ch=getchar();…