(做个记录) 一.W3C各个版本的flex 2009 version 标志:display: box; or a property that is box-{*} (eg. box-pack) 2011 version 标志:display: flexbox; or the flex() function or flex-pack property 2012 version 标志:display: flex/inline-flex; and flex-{*} properties 2014 ve…
一.W3C各个版本的flex 2009 version 标志:display: box; or a property that is box-{*} (eg. box-pack) 2011 version 标志:display: flexbox; or the flex() function or flex-pack property 2012 version 标志:display: flex/inline-flex; and flex-{*} properties 2014 version 新…