learning uboot fstype command】的更多相关文章

=> fstypefstype - Look up a filesystem type Usage:fstype <interface> <dev>:<part>- print filesystem typefstype <interface> <dev>:<part> <varname>- set environment variable to filesystem type example: => fsty…
uboot commad test test - minimal test like /bin/sh so we can use test command to some judge for example, test –n $uenvcmd    test var uenvcmd length !eq  zero detail learning you  can reference url: https://www.cnblogs.com/tankblog/p/6160808.html Not…
reference: http://www.denx.de/wiki/DULG/UBootCmdGroupExec => help source source - run script from memory Usage: source [addr] - run script starting at addr - A valid image header must be present => With the source command you can run "shell&quo…
=> part --helppart - disk partition related commands Usage:part uuid <interface> <dev>:<part> - print partition UUIDpart uuid <interface> <dev>:<part> <varname> - set environment variable to partition UUIDpart…
我使用的U-Boot版本是u-boot-2012.10,编译的步骤为 cd u-boot-2012.10 make s5p_goni_config sudo make 然后,就会看到错误提示 /bin/bash: arm-linux-gcc: command not found dirname: missing operand Try 'dirname --help' for more information. 在arm-linux-gcc确认安装无误的前提下(可以参照 https://www.…
pseudocode: If(reset_button was pressed ) { Change  uboot env bootslot^1 }…
design: when uboot load kerne failed,we can switch to stanbdy system; how to realize: when boot fail, we can let uboot env bootKenrelFailCount++, then save to uboot_env partiton.    watchdog timeout will trigger cpu reset, when bootKernelFailCount bi…
find cpu datasheet , watchdog relate registers: 0x18060008 watchdong timer control 0x1806000c watchdog timer we can read and write watchdog register under uboot console: #mw 0x1806000c 0xffffffff  1 #mw 0x1806000c 0x10000000  1 #mw 0x18060008    0x3 …
reference :https://github.com/lentinj/u-boot/blob/master/doc/README.autoboot how to enable protect sonsole in uboot stage ? we can add follow contest in include/configs/xxxx.h +// add by panzidong for support  protect uboot console +#define CONFIG_AU…
reference: uboot_dir/doc/README.distro Linux distributions are faced with supporting a variety of boot mechanisms,environments or bootloaders (PC BIOS, EFI, U-Boot, Barebox, ...). This makeslife complicated. Worse, bootloaders such as U-Boot have a c…
reference :https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=43237 reference :http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-22547469-id-5048943.html cp  httpd     cus531-16m/  -a cp  net/httpd.c   cus531-16m/ cp  net/httpd.h   cus531-16m/ 修改net.c #ifdef CONFIG_STATUS_LED #…
DDR工作频率  在600MHZ. include/configs/board953x.h #define CFG_PLL_FREQ            CFG_PLL_650_600_200 #define  CFG_DDR_REFRESH_VAL            0x4138   (default 12c) 0x0100 0001 0011 1000 ./board/atheros/common/init-953x.c:59:#define CFG_DDR2_SCORPION_CAS…
By passing the kernel panic parameter, the system automatically resets after 3 seconds when kernel panic happen example: bootargs  'board=xxxxx console=ttyS0,115200 ubi.mtd=overlay rootfs=/dev/mtdblock:rootfs  rootfstype=squashfs noinitrd init=/sbin/…
## (C) Copyright 2000 - 2008# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.## See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this# project.## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or# modify it under the terms of…
u-boot命令 先贴一个重要结构,位于uboot/include/command.h,这个结构代表每个uboot命令 struct cmd_tbl_s { char     *name;   /* Command Name       */ int      maxargs;    /* maximum number of arguments*/ int      repeatable;/* autorepeat allowed?   */ /* Implementation function…
转自:http://xouou.iteye.com/blog/2150061 先贴一个重要结构,位于uboot/include/command.h,这个结构代表每个uboot命令 struct cmd_tbl_s { char     *name;   /* Command Name       */ int      maxargs;    /* maximum number of arguments*/ int      repeatable;/* autorepeat allowed?  …
1.u-boot命令机制u-boot中,每个命令都使用一个struct cmd_tbl_s结构体定义,该定义在include/command.h中实现:struct cmd_tbl_s{ char *name,//u-boot中执行的命令 int maxargs,//命令所能带的参数个数,最少为1 int repeatable,//该命令是否可重复 int (*cmd)(struct cmd_tbl_s *,int,int,char*[]),//指向该命令对应的源函数 char *usage,/…
转载:http://blog.csdn.net/shengzhadon/article/details/52766263 U_BOOT_CMD是一个宏定义,具体功能是定义一个struct cmd_tbl_s的结构体变量,U_BOOT_CMD宏传递的参数是该结构体变量的成员变量.通过U_BOOT_CMD定义的变量会通过脚本链接到uboot指定的一个section中,然后可以通过find_cmd遍历这个section找到这个cmd,可以通过run_command(cmd, flag)函数执行具体命令…
http://how-to.linuxcareer.com/learning-linux-commands-awk 1. Introduction In this case, the title might be a little misleading. And that is because awk is more than a command, it's a programming language in its own right. You can write awk scripts fo…
1.代码位置 (1)uboot命令体系的实现代码在uboot/common/cmd_xxx.c中.有若干个.c文件和命令体系有关.(还有command.c  main.c也是和命令有关的) 2.传参方式 命令参数以argc&argv传给函数(1)有些uboot的命令还支持传递参数.也就是说命令背后对应的函数接收的参数列表中有argc和argv,然后命令体系会把我们执行命令时的命令+参数(md 30000000 10)以argc(3)和argv(argv[0]=md, argv[1]=300000…
前提: 1.AR9331是基于MIPS 24K CPU的一款WIFI1X1芯片,其SDK采用uboot作为引导.AR9331中定义的基地址是:0x9f00,0000 2.MIPS24K芯片,将固定的起始地址,规定为0xBF00,0000(见http://blog.csdn.net/phunxm/article/details/9393021 和http://www.cnblogs.com/xmphoenix/archive/2011/11/02/2233397.html有提到) 此地址属于MIP…
本文转载自:http://blog.csdn.net/huanghai381/article/details/51206646 每个命令都是通过U_BOOT_CMD宏来定义的.这个宏定义了一个相关的结构体,文件是uboot/include/command.h,结构体为cmd_tbl_s 具体的命令定义为: #define U_BOOT_CMD(name,maxargs,rep,cmd,usage,help) \ cmd_tbl_t __u_boot_cmd_##name Struct_Secti…
上篇文末已经提及,google分析出的单词可能和大家预想的输入有差别.上文我们通过预先绑定多个语音指令,权益地解决了这个问题.在这一章,我将介绍myvoix.js框架自带的smart learning模块,为解决发音不标准的问题提供更多的解决方案. 要使用Smart Learning我们首先要介绍下,什么是Smart Learning?简单地说,通过Smart Learning模块,myvoix可以记忆一个指令相关的发音,同时支持localstorage的读写. 启动Smart Learning…
  很长一段时间没有更新博客了,是因为要推出新开发方案和做好客户服务工作,忙得不易乐乎.有关DAVINCI U-BOOT的移植,以前写过一篇u-boot-1.3.4(2008年的),其实和这个u-boot-2009.03差别不大,只不过这个u-boot-2009.03是从TI的网站上下载的,是DAVINCI系列最新的u-boot,也适合DM6467和DM365/368,移植的方法承接<Davinci DM6446开发攻略--u-boot-1.3.4移植(1)>,而本篇着重介绍nand flas…
想必大家都听说过且用过Github(没听说过-.-),我也一直用Github管理我的代码到现在,如果你只是将其作为自己私有的代码仓库,那么平时用得最多的就是git clone, git add以及git commit命令了.自己私人用用还好,但是,涉及与他人合作开发项目时,这些命令就远远不够了. 所以,该篇博客将从三个方面深入浅出地讲解git的常用命令: 1.创建并克隆远程库: 2.修改并保存到本地版本库 && 保持本地库与远程库同步: 3.分支管理(仅列出常用命令) 当然,以上前提是,在…
有关DAVINCI U-BOOT的移植,以前写过一篇u-boot-1.3.4(2008年的),其实和这个u-boot-2009.03差别不大,只不过这个u-boot-2009.03是从TI的网站上下载的,是DAVINCI系列最新的u-boot,也适合DM6467和DM365/368,移植的方法承接.Davinci产品需要烧写UBL.U-BOOT.KERNEL.ROOTFS这四个最基本的文件.UBL的烧写有两种方式,一个就是TI开发包自带的NandWriter.out文件,这必须使用560-plu…
转:http://wiki.atlas-embedded.com/index.php?title=Creating_and_Flashing_UBIFS_with_MTD_Utils Contents 1 UBIFS 2 UBIFS User-space tools 3 Obtaining UBIFS Tools 4 Creating UBIFS 5 Flashing and Mounting UBIFS to NAND UBIFS UBIFS is next generation of JFF…
https://blog.rubylearning.com/best-practices-for-a-new-go-developer-8660384302fc This year I had the privilege to organize GopherConIndia 2015 and also interview a number of Gophers. Read what Gophers from across the world had to say to the question …
编译内核的时候出现错误:"mkimage" command not found - U-Boot images will not be built 参考链接 http://blog.csdn.net/wen0605/article/details/8448907 make uImage的时候要用到uboot/tool/mkimage工具. 将mkimage放到/usr/bin等目录中即可或者将mkimage的路径添加到环境变量中. Tony Liu 2016-12-15,Shenzhe…
1. uboot command 读取寄存器内容 md [内存地址][长度] 修改内存地址 mw [内存地址][长度] 2. linux络命令  -- netstat -a (all)显示所有选项,默认不显示LISTEN相关-t (tcp)仅显示tcp相关选项-u (udp)仅显示udp相关选项-n 拒绝显示别名,能显示数字的全部转化成数字.-l 仅列出有在 Listen (监听) 的服務状态 -p 显示建立相关链接的程序名-r 显示路由信息,路由表-e 显示扩展信息,例如uid等-s 按各个协…