3D Modeling using GDI+】的更多相关文章

https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/3D-Modeling-using-GDI-b93937b9 Introduction Most of us use OpenGL/ DirectX  based program to meet our 3d requirement. Also we need not to reinvent the wheel as most of the methods / capabilities established by these li…
Blender Blender is the best free and open source 3D modelling program out there by a long shot! The program is under constant development, has a huge community and has been used in many major films for video editing and 3D concepts. As Said before bl…
全文转载自 Scott Hanselman的博文. I bought a 3D printer on Friday, specifically a Printrbot Simple Metal from Amazon for US$599. I did a few days of research, looking at all the consumer models under $1000. Some were enclosed, others not. Some made of wood,…
A Product by Mixed Dimensions What is BooleanRT? BooleanRT is a real-time 3D boolean operations extension for Unity that allows you from executing 3D Boolean operations (Union, Intersection, Substract) during runtime or during level creation and edit…
https://www.gpsworld.com/resources/archives/ Going 3D Personal Nav and LBS To enrich user experience of location-based services  and personal navigation, three-dimensional models such as those used in urban planning are added to a smartphone platform…
原始链接:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ba3c7950100jxkh.html Today, 3D models are used in a wide variety of industries. The movie industry uses them as characters and objects for animated and real-life motion pictures. The video game industry uses them…
随着3D技术的不断革新,为了让更多的用户领略历史之美,越来越多的博物馆开始举办线上展览.通过模拟不同的环境.灯光投影.360°无死角放大缩小展品,观众可以享受到身临其境的沉浸体验.不仅如此,给展品加上BGM或者语音解说,帮助观众更加了解展品的详细背景,让演示场景更有代入感. 效果示意 看完如此逼真的效果展示,是不是想知道究竟是怎么实现的呢? 通过Android Studio的Kotlin工程实现 3D场景构建.物品展示以及声音播放功能,就可以做到. 一.准备3D模型 华为移动服务最新开放的3D物…
通过多张普通的照片重建一个立体逼真的3D物体模型,曾经靠想象实现的事情,现在, 使用HMS Core 3D建模服务即可实现! 3D模型作为物品在数字世界中的孪生体,用户可以自己拍摄.建模并在终端直观感受,甚至与现实环境进行交互体验.以下图片为鞋子的建模过程,其建模效果与真实物体几乎无差,应用在电商行业,是对用户体验方式的升级,能为商品营销带来更真实便捷的途径. HMS Core 3D建模服务(3D Modeling Kit)是华为在图形领域又一技术开放,面向有3D模型.动画制作等能力诉求的应用开…
内容来源:华为开发者大会2021 HMS Core 6 Graphics技术论坛,主题演讲<3D建模服务使能3D内容高效生产>. 演讲嘉宾:华为消费者云服务 AI算法专家 3D建模服务(3D Modeling Kit)是华为今年7月初刚发布的新Kit,我们对3D建模产品的定位就是要做快速.简洁.低成本的3D制作能力,并开放给有3D模型.动画制作等能力诉求的开发者. 针对3D建模服务,我们已经开放了物体建模的能力,还有平面的材质生成和动作捕捉能力,接下来我们还会对人体的建模以及面部捕捉做进一步的…
3D建模服务(3D Modeling Kit)是HMS Core在图形图像领域又一技术开放.3D建模产品的定位就是要做快速.简洁.低成本的3D制作能力,并陆续开放给有3D模型.动画游戏制作等能力诉求的开发者.开发者无需特殊硬件(RGBD\LiDAR等)也可以利用拍摄图像之间共视信息匹配,估算出深度信息并完成采集. 3D建模服务已经开放了物体建模的能力,还有平面的材质生成和动作捕捉三大核心能力,接下来还会对人体的建模以及面部捕捉做进一步的能力开放.下面就来为开发者们分享介绍一下. 一.3D物体建模…