mongo shell】的更多相关文章

rror: couldn't connect to server src/mongo/shell/mongo.js 一般这种情况就是:自己指定的数据库,所以不能.自动加载服务.第二次就不能连接了 每次启动前,自己手动,指定下自己,指定的,数据库 哈 CMD下  f:/mdb>mongod --dbpath f:/mdb/data  如下图 看到上图就成功了. 不要关这个窗口,重启一个新控制 台 CMD下   f:/mdb> mongo.exe 就成功了哈.…
启动mongo shell 在windows下,双击mongo.exe可以启动mongo shell 查询库.表及选择库 查询所有库命令: show dbs 应用某一个db use jxs_database 查询此db里面所有collection show collections 查询数据 查询所有数据 db.asset_entity.find() 查询一条数据 db.asset_entity.findOne() 查询条数 db.asset_entity.find() 查询某一条符合条件的数据…
mongo Shell Command History You can retrieve previous commands issued in the mongo shell with the up and down arrow keys. Command history is stored in ~/.dbshell file. See .dbshell for more information. Command Line Options The mongo shell can be sta…
MongoDB BSON provides support for additional data types than JSON. Drivers provide native support for these data types in host languages and the mongo shell also provides several helper classes to support the use of these data types in the mongo Java…
You can write scripts for the mongo shell in JavaScript that manipulate data in MongoDB or perform administrative operation. For more information about the mongo shell, see the Running .js files via a mongo shell Instance on the Server section for mo…
In addition to the documentation in the MongoDB Manual, the mongo shell provides some additional information in its “online” help system. This document provides an overview of accessing this help information. Command Line Help To see the list of opti…
Customize the Prompt You may modify the content of the prompt by setting the variable prompt in the mongo shell. The promptvariable can hold strings as well as JavaScript code. If prompt holds a function that returns a string, mongo can display dynam…
Introduction The mongo shell is an interactive JavaScript interface to MongoDB. You can use the mongo shell to query and update data as well as perform administrative operations. The mongo shell is a component of the MongoDB distributions. Once you h…
当直接执行./mongo 出现这样的提示:couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:145 解决: 执行./mongod --dbpath=/data/mong/db 启动后再执行 ./mongo  则可以了…
mongo shell是一个MongoDB的交互式JavaScript接口.您可以使用mongo shell来查询和更新数据以及执行管理操作. 打开cmd命令行,输入mongo,就可以进入mongo Shell 输入cls命令清屏,开始常用命令体验: show dbs 输入show dbs,显示当前所有数据库,这里显示了默认的数据库: use 数据库名 这个命令可以切换到指定的数据库,如果切换到了不存在的数据库,当在这个数据库存储数据时,就会自动创建这个数据库. 我们输入show school,…