centos启动报错: device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization ifcfg-eth0的配置文件里保存了以前的MAC地址,就把这一行删除掉在重启网卡,还是一样的错误,随后网上查了下资料,把/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules删除重启即可.这个文件绑定了网卡和mac地址,所以换了网卡以后MAC地址变了,所以不能正常启动,也可以直接编辑这个配置文件把里面的网卡和mac…
linux安装tomcat后启动报错: Cannot find ./catalina.shThe file is absent or does not have execute permissionThis file is needed to run this program 原因:无权限 解决方法: 1. chmod +x /usr/tomcat7/bin/*.sh (亲测可用) 2. chmod 755 /usr/tomcat7/bin/*.sh 3. chmod 777 /usr/tomc…
虚拟机克隆后,启动之后发现网卡没有启动.发现提示错误信息“Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.” 解决方法: 查看当前机器的MAC地址 及对应eth接口. ifconfig -a 修改对应接口的mac 地址 1.打开etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ ifcfg-eth0,确定ONBOOT应该为yes, 2.检查ifcfg-eth0的MAC和ifconfig现实的MAC是否相符…
Linux_解决启动网卡失败 Device eth0 does not seem to be present 虚拟机克隆 发现service network restart 启动失败 故障现象: service network restartShutting down loopback insterface: …